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Defining Enclosures

See Enclosures Overview for more information about enclosures in Emplifi Agent.

To access the Enclosure Codes screen:

  • In Administration, select Company Setup > Fulfillment > Enclosure Codes.

Enclosure Fields

The top section of the enclosure screen is a standard Code Definition.

The following enclosure specific fields are available:



Enclosure Code

This is the ID that was assigned when the code was created. It cannot be modified.


This is the description from the code definition.

Enclosure Type

Checks and Coupons will be printed from Emplifi Agent. The value of each item printed is written to a register, which is typically transferred to an accounting system.

The Other enclosure type is for any other type of enclosure that does not involve printing from Emplifi Agent (including checks and coupons created externally).

Items with a Fixed Value have a predetermined amount that cannot be changed by the agent when the enclosure is added to a case.

Items with a Variable Value can have their amounts changed by the agent, within the parameters you define.

Items with a Variable Limit can also have their amounts changed by the agent. However, the agent's authorization amount is verified to prevent selection of enclosures over the agent’s authorized limit.

Detail Split Type

Detail Splits allow you to specify multiple accounts or business units to which the value of the enclosure will be charged.

  • No Split Allowed: There will be no split amounts for this enclosure.

  • Forced Percentage: When the user clicks the Details button on the enclosure, the system creates split entries based on the default split settings for this enclosure. The user cannot edit the split information.

  • Suggested Percentage: When the user clicks the Details button on the enclosure, the system creates split entries based on the default split settings for this enclosure. The user can edit the split information.

  • User Entered Amounts: The system allows the user to determine the split distribution. No defaults are entered.

  • Auto Split Percentage: The system creates split entries based on the default split settings for this enclosure. The split is made automatically without any user intervention.

  • User Entered Amounts Sum To Enclosure: This type applies to Variable Value Checks and Variable Value Coupons. For this split type, the user adds a check or coupon for this enclosure then enters one or more split amounts (in the Company Currency). The split amounts are summed to the enclosure and converted into the enclosure currency. This works in reverse of normal split rules.

    (info) If the computed enclosure value falls outside the configured Min/Max Value Range, the system displays a below/above warning message, the Enclosure Value will not be changed, but the newly entered split amount will be accepted. However, the split amount must be brought within both the value limit rules and split balance to save the case.

    (info) If the enclosure currency code or currency value is changed after split amounts are entered, the split amounts may still become out of balance and block you from saving the case. To correct, you must change the value back or alter the split amount.

    (info) In mixed currencies, due to rounding, the currency value may be off by 0.01 since it is computed from the total split amounts, then converted to the currency of the enclosure. It is still considered to be in balance in this condition.

Detail Split Save

This option determines whether the user will be forced to enter detail splits before the case window can be closed, if they have not already done so.

  • No Force: The user is allowed to close the case window without entering detail split information.

  • Force on Case Dismissal: If the user attempts to close the case window before entering detail split information, they will be forced to enter it. This does not apply if the Split Type is "Auto Split." In that case, the amounts will be entered automatically.

Quantity Limit

This is the maximum quantity of this item that can be selected as a single enclosure line on a case. If the same enclosure is entered multiple times on the same case, each one can have up to this quantity.

(info) Enclosure quantities can fall between 1 and 9,999,999. However, check and coupon enclosures are limited to a quantity of 1 and cannot be changed regardless of what you enter in this field.

Unit Value

This is the value to the customer of this enclosure. It may or may not be the same as the unit price.

(info) If you are in a multi-currency environment, this value and the two fields that follow should be specified in the default currency defined for this company.

Unit Price

This is the price of the enclosure.

Unit Cost

This is the cost of the enclosure to the company.

Minimum Amt

Enter a minimum monetary amount for this enclosure. For example, you might not want a check to be sent out for amounts less than $10.00.

Maximum Amt

Enter a maximum monetary amount for this enclosure. You will typically want to provide an upper limit for checks and coupons.

The Minimum Amt and Maximum Amt fields work together to define a range of acceptable values for the user to enter when they attach an enclosure to a case. If they enter a value outside of this range, an error message displays.

Qty on Hand

This is the number of items that you currently have in stock. The number is decremented automatically as enclosures are picked during fulfillment processing.

(info) When you try to pick an enclosure quantity that exceeds the quantity available, you will receive a warning message. When the Quantity on Hand decreases to the configured Reorder Point, you will receive a warning message indicating how many of those enclosures are available until the availability reaches zero.

Reorder Point

This indicates when a new order should be placed to replenish inventory when the Quantity on Hand falls to this level.

Reorder Qty

This indicates the number of items that should be ordered when a replenishment order is placed.

Enc Lang ID

You can assign a default language for the enclosure, if applicable.

WebService Provider for Pick

Determines the Web Service to use when processing this enclosure.


Determines whether this enclosure is active or inactive. Inactive enclosures cannot be added to a case.

Authorization Level

Used in conjunction with the address enclosure authorization level. This controls whether an enclosure will be sent to an address, based on the address and enclosure's authorization level.

The governing rules that determine whether an enclosure should be restricted is as follows: if the "send to" address had an authority level less than the enclosure’s authority level, then the enclosure can not be saved on the case. The agent will be warned and allowed to change the enclosure or the "send to" address.

Label Printing

Determines whether mailing labels will be printed for the enclosure:

  • No Label: No label will be printed for the enclosure. This is typically used for enclosures that have the address printed directly on them, or enclosures that will be included inside an envelope with an address.

  • 1 Label Per Address: One label will be printed for the enclosure even if multiple enclosures exist on the case. This is used when multiple enclosures are going to be included in a single package.

  • 1 Label Per Enclosure: This is used when each enclosure needs to be shipped separately. A separate label will be created for each enclosure.

If a case contains a mix of enclosures with different label printing options, the following general rules apply:

  • One label will be printed for each enclosure that is defined as "1 Label Per Enclosure."

  • A single label will be printed to cover all enclosures that are defined as "1 Label Per Address."

Example: A case has six enclosures, three defined as "1 label per address," and three defined as "1 label per enclosure." There will be a total of four labels printed in this case, one for the first three, and one for each of the other three.

Label Std Letter

If this enclosure code needs to have a label printed for the address, specify the standard letter ID for the label.

Coupon Std Letter

If this enclosure code needs to have a coupon printed for the address, specify the standard letter ID for the label.

Check and Coupon Format

This indicates the format to use when displaying a coupon or check number. The format can contain constants along with a numeric placeholder. The placeholder will indicate the sequential number of the coupon. Example: BRAND-[9999] If the next coupon number is 123 when printed, the coupon number would look like: BRAND-0123.

(info) If you have more than one coupon, the Check and Coupon Format is a required field. This allows the coupon numbers to be reused in the coupon registry by associating the format to the number stored in the registry. It is not required for checks.

(info) The coupon number (including all text, the number, and the brackets) is a maximum of 14 characters.

eCoupon Code

This field is used in integrations with eCoupon vendors and is typically set up by Professional Services. To learn more about eCoupon integrations, contact your Emplifi Account Manager or Professional Services representative.

Last Coupon Seq

Stores the last coupon number used when batch coupon printing is enabled.

Checking Accounts

If you will be printing checks or coupons for this enclosure, you will need to define a checking account for the enclosure. See the topic on Processing Checks and Coupons for more information.

Requires High Value Permit To Print

Select this check box to mark the check enclosure code as requiring special handling before allowing a check enclosure with a larger than normal refund amount to be printed.

When one or more of these enclosures are included in a Check Print Document in Manage Batches, a user must have the FulfillmentProcessHighChecks function assigned to them to allow them to print, reprint, or void the check document. If the user's profile does not include this function, and a Password Override is configured, the system prompts for the password when the operation is performed, and the user can enter the password to perform the print, reprint, and void.

File to Print

Enter the filename of the external file associated with this enclosure. The file must exist in the website’s Enclosures folder to be processed by the fulfillment process.

This function is commonly used to print brochures or other informational documents to send to customers who do not have email.

You can type the full path and file name or click the arrow beside the field to display the Select a File dialog. If the file is in a sub-folder under the Enclosures folder, you can enter a relative folder path for the file (for example: document.pdf or coupon/document.pdf). If the selected path is not in the website’s Enclosures folder, when you tab from the field, after typing or navigating and selecting a file, an upload dialog displays. Uploaded files can only be saved to the Enclosures folder. Files cannot be uploaded to sub-folders.

Click Upload. If a file of the same name already exists in the Enclosures folder, a dialog displays prompting you to save the file with a new name or overwrite the existing file. The dialog also provides a view link which allows you to open the file before determining what you want to do.

If you select the Use New Name button, the file is uploaded and the file name incremented by adding a ".###" with the ### being a number between 001 and 100. For example, "document.pdf" becomes "document001.pdf."

File Print Letter Type

Select the letter type to allow case enclosures configured to print by specifying a file name to be printed server-side at the same time as their associated letter. The letter and enclosures are printed and collated to the same print tray.

You must also select the Print Enclosures Server Side With Letters check box on the Fulfillment configuration to use this feature. For more information, see Configuration: Fulfillment.

Link to Letter (On Add)

Use this option to have the enclosure automatically associated to a letter when the enclosure is added to a case. The choices are as follows:

  • Automatic: The enclosure will be automatically associated.

  • Prompt:The user will be asked if they would like to associate the enclosure to a letter. The question will be repeated for each enclosure that has this option. In batch mode, this option works the same as the automatic option.

  • No: No automatic association of the enclosure to a letter will take place. The user can still associate the enclosure to a letter manually.

The association will occur in the following scenarios:

  • Case with one letter - adding the enclosure will link it to letter 1.

  • Case with no letters - adding the enclosure will not link it to a letter. However, if a letter is added after the enclosure, the system will link all enclosures to that letter.

  • Case with multiple issues each with its own letter - adding issue-related enclosures will link it to a letter attached to the issue related to the enclosure.

  • Case with multiple issues - adding issue-related enclosures will not link to a letter unless theirs is an issue-related letter. Adding an issue-related letter after the issue related enclosure will link all issue related enclosures to that issue related letter.

Link To Letter (On Prep)

Use this option to have the enclosure automatically associated to a letter when a letter is being prepared. The choices are as follows:

  • Automatic: The enclosure will be automatically associated to the first letter on the case that gets prepared, either in batch mode or manual mode. If the enclosure is added after the letter has been prepared, there will be no automatic association.

  • Prompt: When a letter is being manually prepared, the user will be asked if they would like to associate the enclosure to the letter. The question will be repeated for each enclosure that has this option. In batch mode, this option works the same as the Automatic option.

  • No: No automatic association of the enclosure to a letter will take place. The user can still associate the enclosure to a letter manually.

Forced Currency

If the enclosure value should always be in a given currency, select the currency code here.

Currency Unit Value

If you specify a value in the Forced Currency field, enter the enclosure value in the given currency.

(info) The value in the Unit Value field in the other column should be given in the default currency defined for the current company.

Requires Approval

Select this option if this enclosure requires individual approval by a manager before it can be sent to a customer. Enclosures can be approved using the Enclosure Approval Utility.

Exclude From Fulfillment

Select this option to prevent this enclosure from appearing on any fulfillment reports and utilities.

Retain Rejected

If selected and this enclosure is suggested but not selected as an enclosure, the enclosure will still be added to the case but added in a rejected status.

Require Rejected Reason

If selected and the associated enclosure on a case is marked as rejected, the user must enter a reason why the enclosure was rejected. The rejection reason is recorded on the case enclosure by using the Enclosure Status Reason Code (FFK). The column is used to record the reason for either rejected or voided (if reason required) enclosures.

Require Void Reason

If selected and the associated enclosure on a case is marked as voided, the user must enter a reason why the enclosure was voided. The void reason is recorded on the case enclosure by using the Enclosure Status Reason Code (FFK). The column is used to record the reason for either voided or rejected (if reason required) enclosures.

Require Link to Letter

If selected when the enclosure is processed during fulfillment batch creation, the case enclosure must reference a letter on the case that is also being processed by the batch creation. If the option is selected but the case enclosure is not linked to a letter, the case enclosure is not picked, and an exception is created.

Require Send To to Match Letter

If selected when the enclosure is processed during fulfillment batch creation, the case enclosure's Send To address must be the same as the linked letter's send to address. If the option is selected but the case enclosure and letter's Send To addresses do not match, an exception is created for the case.

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