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Enclosures Overview

Enclosures in Emplifi Agent are any item (other than letters) that can be sent to a customer. Enclosures are often associated with a letter, but are not required to be. Enclosures can include brochures, checks, coupons, gift certificates, replacement parts, and so on.

To improve the fulfillment process, you can establish suggestion rules to help agents select appropriate enclosures to add to cases.

If an enclosure is suggested, the user must first accept the suggestion before they can make changes to the enclosure (such as updating the value of the enclosure).

Enclosures can be "picked" in a batch fulfillment workflow process or processed manually one at a time. Security functions can also be associated with enclosures as needed.

You have the ability to define special enclosures called Checks and Coupons that can be printed directly from Emplifi Agent.

You also have the ability to define case enclosures which are configured to print by specifying a File Name to print server-side at the same time as their associated letter, such that the print tray contains the collated result.

As system administrator, you will need to set up the enclosure category codes and suggestion rules before a user can select an enclosure for a case. This is typically done during the initial system configuration then maintained by the system administrator.

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