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Users and Security Overview


In Emplifi Agent, every user of the system is assigned a unique System User Code. For information, see System User Codes. User Codes serve the following purposes:

  • It is the ID that each agent uses to sign in to the system.

  • When an agent creates a case, their user code becomes the "Initial" user code assigned to the case.

  • When cases are transferred to different agents, a "Responsible" user code is assigned to designate the agent who currently owns the case.

  • Whenever changes are made in the system, the user code of the person who made the change is stamped on the data.

  • If the audit trails feature is being used, the audit information for each change includes the user code of the person who made the change.

Because the user code becomes the Initial Rep code on a case, users codes are commonly referred to as "Initial Rep Codes." (These codes are stored in the B01 hierarchy.)

Security Functions and Roles

In Emplifi Agent, security is handled through the following set of structures:

  • Every screen, report, utility, and various features within the system is assigned to what is called a Security Function. For information, see Security Functions.

  • Security functions are grouped into Security Roles. For each function, the role defines what permissions a person who is assigned to that role has for each function within the role.

  • Every user code is assigned to a single Security Role.

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