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Case Import

The Case Import Utility is used to import case data from a data file or from an external database. When importing from a data file, it is important to set up the data file based on how the Email Form is set up. For example, on the email form if the Form Type field is "Column Delimited" and the Tag Delimiter field is "Tab," then the data file for Case Import will have each case on a separate row and each field separated by tabs. For more information, see Defining Import Forms.

This topic explains the utility options. For information on the additional tab settings, see Case Import Additional Settings.

To access the Case Import Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Case Utilities > Case Import.

Utility Options

The following options are available for this utility.




This setting determines whether the case status is set to "Open" or " Closed" after the cases are imported.

Import From

You can choose to import cases from a data file or from an external database.

If you choose to import from an external database, you also need to set the connection options. For more information, see the Connection Options section on page Case Import Additional Settings.

Data File

If you chose "Data File" in the previous field, you will either select a file name or upload the file name of the data file.

To select a file name in Emplifi Agent server's Transfer folder:

  1. Click the text box. A drop-down list will display for you to select the file name. This list may contain folders.

  2. Click either + or - front of the folder name to open and close the folder, respectively.

  3. Then, select the file name.

To upload a file from your computer:

  1. Select the Upload button and the Select File to Upload window will display.

  2. Click the Select File button to choose a file from your computer.

  3. In the Upload to Folder field, select the folder name. Transfer folder is the default.

  4. Click OK.

If the file does not exist, a warning message will display.

(info) This must be a .TXT file.

Match Headers

Select this check box to compare and match tags from the defined import form with the header column of the import file. If Match Headers is selected, the first row is ignored during processing as it the header row.

(info) When Match Headers is selected and a header row is added to the file, the sequence order is ignored, and the tag order is used.

Email Form

Select the email form that is used to parse the data file or database record so that an Emplifi Agent case can be created. The email form chosen should be one created specifically for the Import From type chosen above. For details about email forms, see Import Forms Overview.

(info) Email text imported as case text is supported up to 32KB (32,768 characters). Emails with text greater than 32KB are truncated.

Default User Code

If there is no user code on the imported case data, the value entered in this field is used as the Responsible Rep.

Some users choose to create a user code for the sole purpose of importing cases. This does not have to be a full DBMS user. Doing this allows administrators to monitor the imported cases.

Case Text Type

If case text entries are part of the imported data, enter the default text type code to use in this field.

Validation Mode

Select the mode of validation when the utility is run. Choose from the following options:

  • Full will validate the Category field values and process single-level migrations. This is the default.

  • Validate Only will validate that the code values exist and adjusts the formatting. Selecting this option will cause the utility to run faster.

Duplicate Case Handling



Log Duplicate

Select the check box to create a log entry for each duplicate case encountered during the case import.

Check for Dup Case Text

Select the check box to check for duplicates based on the Case Text values.

The system compares the case text on the case being imported against all case texts in the Emplifi Agent database with a text sequence of 1, and with the same text type code.

The case text must match exactly to be considered a match.


If a category is selected, then all cases being imported with a value that already exists in this category are considered a duplicate. This is typically a category that is defined as being the external Case ID reference.

Address Options



Allow Address Update

When this check box is selected and the import is run, the imported cases that include addresses are tested by the utility's address search rules. When a match is found, values from the import data replace the found address's values when the import data is not null or empty.

Case Enclosure Creation Options




If the case being imported has enclosures on it, the status of each enclosure is set according to the value selected in this field.

Link First Letter

If the case being imported has enclosures and at least one letter, selecting this option causes each enclosure to automatically link to the first letter (sequence 1) on the case.

PowerLocator Options




If the Use PowerLocator check box is selected, this is the PowerLocator rule that is used.

Use PowerLocator

Select this check box to run PowerLocator after creating an address record.

Mailers Options (If Installed)

If you have the Mailers+4 address verification software installed, you can use these additional options.



Force to Upper Case

Select this check box to force all address information to uppercase.

Add Lat/Long to Address

Select this check box to add geographical location information (latitude and longitude) to the imported address data.

Action Options

You may want to post an action to each newly created case. This is most commonly used to transfer the cases to a specific Emplifi Agent queue, but you could also choose to transfer the cases to a specific user.

If you want to perform conditional transfers based on criteria that you specify, you can set distribution options. For more information, see Case Import Additional Settings.



Action Type Code

Select the Action Type Code of the action that you want to perform on each new case.

Responsible Rep

Enter the user code of the user or queue who is to be the recipient of the transfer.

Log File Options



Error Stop Limit

The number in this field tells the utility how many errors it can encounter before it should stop processing.

Log Commits Every

Determines how often the process writes updated rows back to the database. The default is after every 100 rows and should be sufficient for most situations.

Archive Folder

Specify a folder where the import file is moved once the import is complete.

On Error

By default, the case import utility will only archive the import file if the import was successful. Select this option to archive the import file even if an error occurs.

Rename to Current Date/Time

Select this check box to have the import file renamed with the current date and time as it is being archived.

Log Only Errors

Select this check box to view a summary of log errors.

Results Language

Select the results language for the utility. For more information, see the Results Language section on page Utilities Overview.

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