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Case Import Additional Settings

The Case Import Utility page contains tabs which open additional settings for the utility. When you click the tab name, the following options are available:

Distribution Options

Rather than transferring all the cases to a single user or queue, you can enter one or more distribution rules in this view. Each distribution rule is based on specific criteria being met within the imported data. If a specific set of criteria is met, the indicated action is run.

If none of the distribution rules match a case, the default action specified on the Options page is used.

Each distribution rule has the following fields:




This is the category on which you want to compare. On the Distribution Categories pane, find the category name and use the drag-and-drop operation to move the category onto the Distribution page. To search for a category, enter the name or partial name in the Distribution Categories text box.


The category ID value is filled in automatically after you use the drag-and-drop operation to place the category on the Distribution page.


Select the type of comparison that you want to perform. For information on using operators, see the Using Operators section on page Filters in Emplifi Agent.

Time Frame

If the selected category is a date category, you can select a time frame on which to filter. For other category types, this can be left blank.

Value, From

If the selected operator is used to compare to a single value or group of values (such as = or IN), enter the values into this field.

If the selected operator is used to compare to a range of values (such as BETWEEN), enter the starting value in this field.


If the operator is used to compare to a range of values, enter the ending value in this field. Otherwise, this can be left blank.


Enter the action type code of the transfer action that should be performed when the specified criteria are met.

Responsible Rep

Enter the user code or queue name where the case should be transferred.

Address Search Rules

If you want to search for existing addresses rather than create new ones, you can specify custom address search rules to use during the import.

Address data from the imported file does not merge or replace data in an existing address. If the address search rule returns a value which is used and the address details in the import file are not used, the import file details are still available on the newly created case unless the imported text entry is “cleaned." However, if the Allow Address Update check box is selected and a match is found, values from the import data will replace the found address's values.

However, if the search returns multiple addresses, the utility ignores the search results and creates the provided address data as a new address.

To enter a search rule, click the New Address Search Rule button. The following fields are available:




Select this check box to use the search rule specified on this line. (This is useful if you are saving these settings as a favorite, but you may not want to use each rule every time you run the favorite.)

Search Rule

Enter the search criteria. For information, see Address Search Criteria.


Enter a description for the search rule. This is for your reference only.

Connection Options

If you selected to import from a database on the Options page, you need to enter information in this view on how to connect to the external database.



Server Name

Enter the name of the Microsoft SQL Server.

Database Name

Enter the name of the Microsoft SQL Server database.

Logon ID

Enter the ID to use to log on to the external database.


Enter the password for the specified logon ID.

Connection Options

If there are additional parameters that need included as part of the connection, they should be entered here. This will depend entirely on the system to which you are connecting.

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