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Configuration: ESP

ESP is on the right side of any case screen. It displays a wide variety of supporting resources including InfoCenter entries, PowerLocator entries, and Caller history details. ESP provides an easily accessible repository of information that displays dependent on the information entered into the case.

This topic discusses the different cards that display in ESP. Each card is based on configurations already made within Emplifi Agent. All ESP Configuration is done by an Administrator in the Classic UX under Configuration Settings > [your configuration] > New UX. For more detailed information about ESP configuration options, see Configuration: New UX

Caller (Address) Search

Configured in the Address Auto Search Categories field.

Caller History

If the entered caller exists in Emplifi Agent, the caller history is automatically run. If there are existing cases that match the entered caller, the case numbers are listed and can be clicked to open that case. Results display in an ESP card.


After caller information is filled out, a powerlocator search is automatically run. If there are results, the first three display in an ESP card. PowerLocator is mostly used to find store locations and only works if there is geocoded information.

If the customer is looking for a store somewhere away from their main address, opening More Options allows you to change the zip code to search other areas.

Emplifi Knowledge Agent Assist

Agent Assist comes with an Emplifi Knowledge integration. For more information see Emplifi Knowledge Agent Assist Integration.


InfoCenter can be run manually or automatically. We recommend the automatic configuration for ease of use.


We recommend configuring suggestions to run automatically. Suggestions either display with a prompt to allow you to choose to accept or reject the suggestion or without a prompt.

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