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Configuration: New UX

The New UX configuration screen allows you enter the host server for popping a case when an agent answers a customer call.

The field codes you enter on this screen trigger automatic searches in the Standard interface. When a search is triggered, the results display in ESP. For details about ESP, see Configuration: ESP.




Address Auto Search Categories

Enter the fields on the Case page that automatically trigger an address search. Separate fields with a semicolon (;). If any of the entered field names change in a case, the search is automatically run and displays the first three hits in the Caller History ESP card.

Emplifi Knowledge Auto Search Categories

When using the Emplifi Knowledge add-on product (Agent Assist), enter the fields that automatically trigger a search in Emplifi Knowledge. Separate fields with a semicolon(;). Any results from the Emplifi Knowledge search display in an ESP card.

External Case Pop Host

Enter the machine name or IP address of the server used to pop a case. Your Emplifi representative enters this during your initial Emplifi Agent implementation.

The values are based on how your Hub was written and where it is installed.

The Case Pop Host setting is relative to the CLIENT that will be connecting to it (i.e., a value of “localhost” indicates that the Case Pop Hub should be hosted on the agent’s machine. This means each agent would be connecting to a separate hub. If the hub is hosted on the same server as Emplifi Agent, the name/IP/domain of the Emplifi Agent server must be used.)

External Case Pop Hub Name

Enter the hub name. Your Emplifi representative enters this during your initial Emplifi Agent implementation.

Info Center Catalog Auto Search Categories

Enter the fields that automatically trigger an Info Center catalog search. Separate fields with a semicolon (;). These are associated with a code or folder.

NLP Auto Search Categories

Enter the fields that automatically trigger the natural language processing (NLP) search. Separate fields with a semicolon (;).

NLP Product Info URI

Enter the web address for the NLP product information.

NLP Reason Code URI

Enter the web address for the NLP reason code information.

Power Locator Auto Search Categories

Enter the fields that automatically trigger the locator. Separate fields with a semicolon (;). These results display in the Store Locator ESP card.

For more information, see Configuration: PowerLocator.

Show Case Clock Toggle

Select the check box to display the Toggle Work Clock button on the Case page banner. This clock is used for tracking work time on the case. The incremented time will display in the Work Time field on the case.

(info) After selecting this check box, you must Save and select the Rebuild Server Cache option on the Application Menu for the Work Clock to display.

Disable Duplicate Case Save Logic

Select the check box to disable any duplicate case saves.

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