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Security Functions Reference

The following table contains the complete list of security functions that are defined within the system. They are listed in alphabetical order by the System Function ID. The function name and suggested default access is also provided.

Default access keys:

  • S = Select (view)

  • I = Insert

  • U = Update

  • D = Delete

  • P = Process.

The feature’s access key is indicated in the user interface.


Function ID

Function name

Access key



Add Misspelled Words to Custom Dictionary


Ability to enable or disable the Add button on the Spell Check window. The Add button allows you to add words to the dictionary that appeared as misspellings.


Utility: Background Processes Utility


Allows users to run the utility to see their own background processes. This function adds the Background Status Utility to the Configuration Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up under utilities on their Application Function Bar. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show on the Application Function Bar.


Enables to manage other users schedules

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to run the utility to see their own background processes as well as the background processes that other users have scheduled. When this function is added, the user will see a drop down in the Background Status Utility banner which will allow them to select the user whose background processes they want to view. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role, then the utility should not show up under utilities on their Application Function Bar. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show on the Application Function Bar.



Blocks users from accessing Emplifi Agent Workbench in Classic UI (only if this function is added and Select is unchecked).


Utility - Canadian GeoCode Import


Allows users to run this utility. This function will add the Canadian GeoCode Import Utility to the Address Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up under utilities on their Application Function Bar. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show on the Application Function Bar.

This utility is used to import GeoCode information (latitude and longitude) for Canadian addresses. This is a separate product from MelissaData and is not included in the Mailers Canada package.


Case Edit - Audit Trail Report


Allows users to view audit trails from within a Case using the Application Menu.


Utility - Clear User Lockout


Allows users to run this utility. This function will add the Clear Locked Users Utility to the Configuration/Administration Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up under utilities on their Application Function Bar. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show on the Application Function Bar.

If IP Lockout is enabled (this locks out the user ID), this utility will allow for the manual unlocking of IP/User IDs that are currently locked out.



Allows users to access Knowledge Base FAQs.


Utility: Batch Exceptions

Allows users to run the Batch Exceptions utility. This function adds the Batch Exceptions utility to the Fulfillment Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up under utilities on their Application Function Bar. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show on the Application Function Bar.


Utility: Batch Print High Value Checks

If the Requires High Value Permit To Print check box is selected on the check enclosure code, and the enclosure is included in the Check Print Document in the Manage Batches utility, this function allows the user to Print, Reprint, or Void the Check Document.

If the user does not have this function, and a Password Override is configured, the system prompts the user when the operation is performed, and the password can be entered to perform the print, reprint, or void.


Utility: Batch Reprint Check/Coupon Doc

Allows users to print a fulfillment batch if it has already been printed.


Utility: Batch Void Check/Coupon Doc

Allows users to void documents in the fulfillment batch process utility.


Administration: Application Licensing

Allows users access to the License Installation Utility, Session License Usage Utility, License Report, User License Report, and Concurrent Usage License Report.



Report: Database Log Report Allows user to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Address Maint - Re-Associate Address


Ability to use the "ReAssociate Address" functionality in Address Maintenance.


Reports View

Allows users to see and access the Reports section in the standard interface.

Resource Post


In the standard interface, allows users to see Resources in the Application Function Bar and to access the page.


Case Edit: Secondary Address

Allows users to view, add, delete, or update Secondary Addresses.



When on a case in the standard interface, allows users to see "Sensitive Data Audit" in the Application Menu.


Utility: Survey Results Export


Allows users to access Survey Results Export Utility.


Utility: User Responsibilities


Allows users to access User Responsibilities Utility.



Allows users to access Category Code Text Search Utility.


Set Any Users Password


Ability to update other users' passwords, not including the users own password (includes both DBMS and Web passwords).


Select, Insert, Delete

Allows users to view, delete or post entries on standard interface News Feed page. If a user does not have the Select (view) check box selected, News Feed does not show up in the Application Function Bar.


User Post Administration

Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Process

Allows users full access to the standard interface News Feed page. Typically, this function is limited to only a few users.


Utilities View


Allows users to view Utilities on the Application Function Bar.


Allows an administrator to use the Manage Favorites feature for viewing, editing, and searching all favorites in the system.


Address Redaction Utility

Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Process

Allows the user to process the Address Redaction which permanently removes selected data. Use caution when assigning this function to users.


Access to the Administration section

Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Process

Allows users to access all areas under the Administration section. Typically, this function is limited to only a few users.


Case Entry - Search Address

Allows users to search for an address on a case.


Case Entry - Search InfoCenter

Allows users to perform a search on InfoCenter entries by pressing F3 from a field in the case.


Case Entry - PowerLocator

Allows users to access PowerLocator (if implemented on the system).


Add Case Text to any case

Select, Insert

Allows to add Case Text to any case they can open (closed cases and other user's cases included). They can then edit and delete that text later.


Case Entry - Address


This can be any address type and it defines the permissions for that particular address type.


Case Entry - Batch ID


Ability to update the fulfillment batch ID information on letters and enclosures.


Case Entry - block action - close case

Add this security role to block any actions that close a case based on the codes entered as restrictions. You must add the categories and codes that activate this blocked action. When a Role Restriction function is added to a Role, there are no codes automatically included. This means that the codes should be picked that will inhibit the closing of issues and cases.


Case Entry - block action - close issue

Add this security role to block any actions that close an issue based on the codes entered as restrictions. You must add the categories and codes that activate this blocked action.


Case Entry - block close case

Add this security role so when certain codes are entered, the case cannot be closed by selecting "Close" in the Case Status drop-down list. You must add the categories and codes that activate this blocking.


Case Entry - block close issue

Add this security role so when certain codes are entered, the issue cannot be closed by selecting "Close" in the Case Status drop-down list. You must add the categories and codes that activate this blocking.


Case Entry - block open - case

Allows the Emplifi Agent administrator to establish restrictions on case opening based on any category criteria contained within the case. When an Open Restriction function is added to a Role, there are no codes automatically included, which means that the codes should be picked that will inhibit the opening of cases.


Restricts a user from editing another user's survey.


Select, Update

Allows users to view Community Inbox on the Case page. "Select" allows a user access to view Community posts. "Update" allows a user access to update existing posts. The following roles will default to "Select" and "Update": REPNOMAINT, REPMAINT, and FULLACCESS. The VIEWACCESS role will default to "Select" only.


Case Entry - Closed Case Maintenance

Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Process

Allows users to work with a case that has been closed. "Select" allows a user to view a closed case. "Update" allows them to change existing information. A combination of "Insert" and "Update" allows them to add new items (and update existing info). "Delete" is required to delete items from the case. Also allows the use of the Print and Print Labels buttons from the closed case.


Case Entry - Case Delete

Select, Update, Delete, Process

Ability to delete a case. This is NOT recommended for most users. In most instances, it is preferable to set a code on the case then mark it as "Closed," so that the data is maintained for historical purposes.



Allows users to choose "Void" in the Enclosure Status field and view the status of e-coupons on a case.


Case Entry - E-Mail Letter

Select, Update, Delete, Process

Allows users to send a case letter as an email and mark it as sent. The Select (View) attribute is used to control the permission.


Case Enclosure - Unreject


Allows a user to unreject an enclosure after the status was set to rejected.


Case Enclosure - Unvoid


Allows a user to unvoid an enclosure after the status was set to void.


Case Enclosure - Void


Allows the user to void an enclosure.


Electronic Signature Authority


Action verification feature which confirms, for the action it is added to, that the user has permission to perform that action. This function allows the electronic signature feature to be available for the indicated security role. This function gives them the ability to use the protected actions, after re-entering their name and password.


Case Entry - Letter Custom Column


Allows users to set the Custom/Standard drop-down list on the Letters tab. Controlled by the Update attribute.



Allows users to be prevented from deleting issues on cases when the function is added to a user's role.


Case Entry - Block Day Old Text Update

Select, Update

Prevents a text entry from being updated the day after it is entered. It can still be changed throughout the day, up until midnight.



Allows the responsible user of the case to edit or delete case attachments, if the user has w_case_full permission.

This prevents a non-responsible user of the case from editing or deleting an attachment regardless of who originally added the attachment to the case.


Case Entry - Other Reps Cases

Select, Update, Delete, Process

Allows users to view and alter cases assigned to other reps, according to the options selected. Overrides Case Entry Other Reps Text function in the role. This allows update and deletion of text / issues owned by others.

See next row for how this permit works along with w_case-other-text.


Case Entry - Other Reps Text

There are many ways to configure this option depending on the outcome you want:

  1. w_case-other Select + Update checked; w_case-other-text Update is checked: Agent can edit whole other Case and all Case Text no matter who owns the Case or each Text.

  2. w_case-other Select + Update; w_case-other-text is missing OR Update is NOT checked: Can edit whole other Case but no text unless the last_modified_user_code matches the user.

  3. w_case-other missing or Select not checked: cannot open the Case to edit it, no matter what the other permits are.

  4. w_case-other Select checked, Update not checked; w_case-other-text setting is ignored, no text can be edited (except if the agent has w_case-add-any-text then they can edit their own text).


Case Entry - Print Letter

Select, Update, Delete, Process

Allows users to print a case letter and mark it as sent from within the case. The Select (View) attribute is used to control this.


Case Entry - Others in Group

Select, Update, Delete, Process

This feature has two functions:

  1. Allows editing of cases owned by others in group instead of others in general.

  2. Allows editing Case Text based on who last modified it. If you have Others In Group permit, and someone else in the group last modified the Case Text, you can edit it. (To be clear, a user's "group" means the other user is in the same "folder," so if Initial Rep is a 3-level hierarchy, they must share a common Level 2 code.)



This can be for any text type and it defines what agents can do on the text type.

w_case-text-<G01 code >

Emplifi Agent Permit

Case Entry Text <G01 Code >

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

These are added on the Security Function maintenance window by clicking the Add Text Type button. A permit will be added for each defined G01 text_type code. View, Update, Insert and Delete attributes are used by this permit. The Select (View) attribute controls visibility of Case Text.

If Text Type specific functions are not added to the Security Function list, there are no restrictions based on Case Text Type. If they are added to the Security Function, each role must explicitly give permission, or the users of that role will not be able to view or maintain Case Text for the Text Type.


Case Entry - Undo Picked Enclosure

Select, Update, Delete, Process

Allows users to Unpick an Enclosure.


Case Enclosure Splits

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Gives users the ability to view, create, update, or delete detail split lines on case enclosures.

This function applies only if the Case Enclosure Detail Splits feature is enabled in the configuration settings for a user. For more information about Case Enclosure Splits, see the Enclosure Settings section on page Configuration: Case.


Case Entry

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Gives users the ability to open and view cases (select), create new cases (insert), or update existing cases (update).

(info) The Delete option deals with the ability to delete items from a case, such as issues, enclosures, and letters. The ability to delete the case itself is handled through a separate security function called "Case Entry-Case Delete."


Issue Detail

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to add issue details to a case.


Case Entry - Enter an Action


Allows users to perform an action on the case.

You can assign this security function to the Security Role used by a view only System User Code to allow the user to post actions to a case. To prevent the view only user from posting actions, verify that the w_case_new_action security function has not been assigned to the security role to view only system users.


Utility: Import PowerLocator Addr Inv

Allows users to use the PowerLocator Inventory Import utility.


Import Address


Allows users to use the Address Import utility.


Import Category Code


Allows users to run the Category Codes Import / Export Utility. This function adds the Category Codes Import / Export Utility to the Configuration / Administration folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role, the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Import Data Utility


Allows users to run this utility.


Import Fulfilled Enclosures

Allows users to run this utility. This function adds the Fulfillment Import Utility to the Case / Workflow Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role, the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Case Import


Allows users to run this utility. This function adds the Case Import Utility to the Case / Workflow Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Case Entry - View InfoCenter

Allows users to enter InfoCenter from within a case.


Maintain Action Definition

Allows users to view and change the Action Definitions, according to the options selected.


Maintain Address

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to enter and maintain addresses in the Address Maintenance, according to the options selected.


Maintain Address - Landmarks

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to maintain the Landmarks associated with an address.


Maintain Area Code

Allows the user to view and alter the Area Code field, according to the options selected.


Maintain Category

Allows users to view and maintain the Categories, according to the options selected.


Maintain Category Code

Allows users to maintain the actual Category Codes in Emplifi Agent through the Category Code Maintenance utility.


Maintain Code Migration

Allows users to set up and modify existing Code Migrations, according to the options selected.


Maintain Company

Allows users to perform company maintenance, according to the options selected.


Maintain Configurations

Allows users to view and perform maintenance on the Configurations window, according to the options selected.


Maintain Country

Allows users to maintain the country codes.


Maintain DataWindow

Allows users to access the Layout and Home Page editors.


Maintain E-Mail Form

Allows users to view, change, and create E-Mail Forms, according to the options selected.


Maintain Enclosure

Allows users to view, change, and create enclosures.


Maintain Enclosure Approval

Allows users to view and change enclosure approvals for enclosures using this functionality.


Maintain Enclosure Splits

Allows users to maintain the enclosure splits on the enclosure definition window. Typically, an administrator function only.


External Profile Definitions

Allows users to maintain external profile definitions.


Maintain Favorites

Allows users to view, change, and create favorites in the Favorites menu.


Maintain Favorites - Distribute

Allows users to view, change, and create the distribution of Favorites (such as reports), according to the options selected.


Maintain Gen Case Detail Rpt

Allows users to view, change, and create General Case Detail Report forms.


Maintain External Database Import Form

Allows users to create and maintain the External Database Import Forms, found in Maintenance & Administration > Company Configuration > External Database Import Form. This form is used in conjunction with the Case Import utility so both would most likely be needed.


Maintain InfoCenter

Select, Update

Allows users to enter InfoCenter, and create, edit, or delete InfoCenter entries.


Utility: Proof Letters

Allows users to run the Enclosure Approval and Letter Proofing Utilities. This function adds the Enclosure Approval and Letter Proofing Utilities to the Fulfillment Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Mass Mailing

Allows users to perform the Mass Mailing utility and create a mass mailing list.


Maintain Normalization Set

Allows the user to maintain a Normalization data set that was previously imported (or to import another set).


Utility: Normalization Data Import

Allows the user to use the Normalization Data Import Utility.


Notification Definitions


For administrators, allows you to setup and maintain the notifier profile definitions for each code.


Maintain Paragraph Inserts


Allows users to view, change, and create Paragraph Inserts that appear when a user is creating Std. Paragraphs. This function is password protected.


Maintain Postal Code

Allows users to maintain the postal codes.


Maintain Product

Allows users to view, change, and create the listing of Product codes.


Maintain Report Queue

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to view, change, and create queues for reports, according to the options selected.


Submit to Report Queue

Allows users to process a report to send to the Report Queue.


Maintain Report Queue Results


Allows users to access the Report Queue Results Report.


Maintain Report Queue Status

Allows users to access the Report Queue Status Report.


Maintain Script Pages

Select, Update, Delete, Process

Allows users to create, modify and delete any scripts that may be present.


Maintain Standard Letter

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to view, change, and create the Standard Letters, according to the options selected.


Maintain Standard Paragraph

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to view, change, and create the Standard Paragraphs, according to the options selected.


Maintain State/Province

Allows users to maintain the State / Province table.


Maintain Suggestions

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to view, create, and delete suggestions through Suggestion Maintenance.


Maintain Addr Search Rules

Allows users to perform maintenance of the Address Search Rules.


Maintain Thresholds

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create Code Threshold alerts.


Maintain Thresholds - Purge

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to purge existing threshold data that had been captured.


Maintain PowerLocator Rules

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to create, edit and delete the PowerLocator Rules.


Maintain Survey

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create surveys to be run with cases.


Maintain Survey Run

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to perform the maintenance necessary to create or edit a Survey Run.


Maintain System Categories

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to view, change, and create entries in the System Category Maintenance window. This function is password protected.

Also allows access to the Emplifi Knowledge Configuration Editor.


Maintain System Configuration

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to access the System Configuration Folder under the Maintenance Menu.


Maintain Security Functions

Allows users to allow and revoke the Security Functions available for a particular Security Role (this list).


Maintain System Last ID

Allows users to access the System Last ID utility.


Maintain Security Role

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to view, change, and create Security Roles for users (FullAccess, RepMaint, etc.).


Maintain Security Role Functions

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to view and alter the Security Role Functions available for a Security Role.


Maintain System User

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to view, change, and create System Users.


User Options

Allows users to modify their own User Options.


Maintain Time Frame

Allows users to maintain the Time Frames.


Report: Void Checks

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report.


Report: Void Coupons

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report.


Menu of Favorites

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create entries in the Favorites Menu.


Menu of Maintenance Windows

Allows users to access the Maintenance Menu.


Menu of Reports

Allows users to access the Reports Menu.


MessageCenter Message

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view (receive), change, and create a Message Center message.


Message Group Maintenance

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create mailing groups in Message Center.


Message Center


Allows users to access Message Center. In Emplifi Agent: if this function is not added to the security role the user will still see a MessageCenter icon on the workbench but they will receive the following error: "You do not have "View" permission for the security function "w_message_mailbox." Users can select ok and get past this message to continue working. The Delete security function is overridden in Emplifi Agent.


Message Options Maintenance

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to change message priority settings in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Action Performed-By

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Batch ID Results

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.

Emplifi Agent uses Fulfillment, this function is only used by the client-server version of Emplifi Agent.


Report: Trend Graph

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Case Detail

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Enclosure Split Detail Frequency

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Case Summary

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Case Text

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Crosstab Graph

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create a Chart report. This function will add the Chart report under the Reports icon in Emplifi Agent. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the report will not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any report, then the Report icon will not show on for them.


Report: Check Registry Detail

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Time On Clock

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Category Code Listing

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create a Category Code Listing Report. This function will add the Enclosure Listing Report under the Reports icon in Emplifi Agent. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the report will not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any report, then the Report icon will not show up for them.


Report: Days To Close

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: E-Mail Letters

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Enclosure Listing

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create an Enclosure Listing Report. This function will add the Enclosure Listing Report under the Reports icon in Emplifi Agent. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the report will not show up for them. If user does not have permissions for any report, then the Report icon will not show up for them.


Report: Enclosure Reorder Report

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Enclosure Summary

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Frequency

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create a frequency report. This function will add the frequency report under the Reports icon in Emplifi Agent. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the report will not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any report, then the Report icon will not show up for them.


Report: Frequency by Time Period

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Multi-Category Enclosure Value

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Multi-Category Frequency

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: General Case

Select, Insert, Update

In Emplifi Agent, allows users to view, change and create the following reports: Address Listing Report, Case Listing Report.

Also controls a General Case Report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: General Case Select Tab

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Activity

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Issue Summary

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Norm Crosstab Trend

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Normalized Frequency

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Notification Definition Report

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create a Notifications and Profile Report. This function will add the report under the Reports icon in Emplifi Agent. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the report will not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any report, then the Report icon will not show up for them.


Report: Payment Request

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Utility: Activity Exception

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create an Activity Exception Report. This function will add the report under the Reports icon in Emplifi Agent. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the report will not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any report, then the Report icon will not show up for them.


Report: Print Letters and Pick List

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Pick List

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Print Checks

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Print Coupons

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Print Letters

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to run the Process Batch, Check Register and Coupon Register Utilities in Emplifi Agent and run the Print Letters report in Emplifi Agent. This function will add the Process Batch, Check Register and Coupon Register Utilities to the Fulfillment Utilities folder under the Utilities icon in Emplifi Agent. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Report: Shipping List

Select, Insert, Update

This permit is usually used in conjunction with Favorites.


Report: SQL Select

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report. In normal mode, the SQL is limited to a SELECT statement. If other SQL commands are needed, you must log into Administrative Mode.


Report: Suggestion Listing

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Survey Result Detail Frequency

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Survey Results Ranking

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Survey Results Ranking Details

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Survey Results Frequency

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Survey Results List

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Survey Results Summary

Allows a user to view, change, and create this report in Emplifi Agent and view and run the Survey Report in Emplifi Agent.


Report: Audit Trail

Select, Insert, Update

Allows users to view, change, and create an Audit Trail report in Emplifi Agent.


Change Company


Allows users to change the current Company for the system, if multiple companies have been implemented.


Receipt Action

Allows users to perform an action of the type receipt (i.e. receive case transfer).


Maintain Survey Results

Allows users to view and alter how, where, and when the Survey Results are viewed.


Case Entry - Surveys


Allows users to view and enter information for a Case's survey, according to the options selected. You can prevent users from editing survey results by modifying the settings on this function.

(info) Deselecting the Update column will make it impossible for the user to enter survey information.


Emplifi Agent System Test

Used for Emplifi testing purposes and has no direct impact or usage for other users.


List Current Logged On Users

Allows users to see the Logged On Users button, and thus the list of logged on users.


Utility: Update Current User U01 Code

Allows users to edit and run the Update Current User utility.



Allows users to provide feedback in classic UI (toolbar > Help dropdown > Feedback)


Utility: Recreate Field List

Allows users to run this utility. This function will add the Re-Create Field List Utility to the Configuration /Administration Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Action Processor


Allows users to run the Action Processor Utility. This function adds the Action Processor Utility to the Case/Workflow Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Address Cleaning


Allows users to run the Address Cleaning Utility. This function adds the Address Cleaning Utility to the Address Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Address De-Duplication


Allows users to run the Address De-Duplication Utility. This function will add the Address De-Duplication Utility to the Address Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.



Allows users to access Advanced Threshold Utility.


Utility: Archive


Allows users to run the Archive Utility. This function will add the Archive Utility to the Case/Workflow Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Batch ID


Allows users to run the Manage Batches Utility. This function adds the Manage Batches Utility to the Fulfillment Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Case Data Export


Allows users to run the Case Data Export Utility. This function adds Case Export to the Case Utilities folder under the Utilities. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Reset Case User


Allows users to run the Category Code Activation Utility. This function adds the Category Code Activation Utility to the Configuration / Administration Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Category Code Activation


Allows users to run the Cases Being Edited Utility. This function adds the Cases Being Edited Utility to the Case / Workflow Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Reset Edit Lock


Allows users to run the Clear System Edit Locks Utility. This function adds the Clear System Edit Locks Utility to the Configuration / Administration Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.



Allows users to access Feedback Utility.



Allows users to access File Maintenance Utility in the standard interface.


Utility: Prepare Letters

Allows users to run this utility in Emplifi Agent.


Utility: Limit Code Refresh


Allows users to run the Limit Codes Refresh Utility. This function will add the Limit Codes Refresh Utility to the Configuration / Administration Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Mass Mailing

Allows users to perform the Mass Mailing utility and create a mass mailing list.


Utility: Rebalance Action Queue Counts


Allows users to run the Reset Case Queues Utility. This function adds the Reset Case Queues Utility to the Configuration / Administration Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Repeater Reset


Allows users to run the Repeater Reset Utility. This function adds the Repeater Reset Utility to the Address Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Reset User Logon Status

Allows users to run this utility in Emplifi Agent.


Utility: Scanned Cases Create


Allows users to run the Attachment Processor Utility. This function adds the Attachment Processor Utility to the Case / Workflow Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Standard Letter Preview

Only used by the client-server version of Emplifi Agent.


Utility: Bin Survey Results

Allows users to run this utility in Emplifi Agent.


Utility: Survey Export

Allows users to run this utility in Emplifi Agent.


Utility: Copy Survey To Addr

Allows users to run this utility in Emplifi Agent.


Utility: Purge Audit Trail


Allows users to run the Purge Audit Trail Utility. This function adds the Purge Audit Trail Utility to the Configuration / Administration Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.


Utility: Threshold Update


Allows users to run the Threshold Update Utility. This function adds the Threshold Update Utility to the Case / Workflow Utilities folder under the Utilities icon. If this security function is not listed in a user's security role then the utility should not show up for them. If a user does not have permissions for any utility, then the Utilities folder will not show up for them.



Allows users to access Upload Users Signature File utility.


View Address

Select, Insert, Update, Delete

Allows users to view an address in the database.


Case Entry - Action History

Allows users to view the Action History associated with the case.


View Customer History

Allows users to view the history associated with a particular customer.


View Open Cases/Issues/Actions


Allows users to use the Open Cases / Issues / Actions button (or menu option).



Allows users to view the Queue Details item on the Work Items list and to view the Queue Details page.


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