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Responsibilities Utility

This utility allows supervisors to maintain responsibilities for users without giving the supervisor access to the rest of the information contained in a user account. This allows an easy way to assign a user responsibility to a specific queue during peak times for the queue.

The ability to use this utility is assigned by giving access to the utility. You cannot restrict access for specific users.

To access the User Responsibilities Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > User/License Utilities > Responsibilities.

When you initially open the utility, the record for the user that is currently signed in displays. You can view a user for whom you are the supervisor, add responsibilities, and remove responsibilities by using the following buttons on the Function Banner:




Select User

Displays the Select User window and allows you to select a different user for which you are the supervisor. Enter the user ID or partial user ID. If a matching user is found, the record is displayed.

Add Responsibility

Allows you to update basic user information or give the user responsibility for a queue they need to access.

Delete Selected Responsibilities

Removes the selected responsibility from the user.

Save User

Save the changes for this user.

General settings



User Type

Displays the type of user from one of the following options:

  • System User is a standard system user. Most users will fall under this category.

  • Service is a user that does not have permissions to do anything in the system. It cannot sign in or receive messages, but it can have actions posted to it.

  • Queue is a user that is an Emplifi Agent queue.

User Code

Displays the value of the code. It cannot be modified.

User Name

This is the user's full name.

New Web Password

This is the password assigned to the user's Web account.

Web Logon ID

Normally you will leave this field blank. However, if you want the user's Web account to be different than the user ID (initial rep code), you can enter it here.


This is the user's email address. This may be used in several ways in Emplifi Agent, including notifications on certain types of actions, and as the reply-to address on certain types of letters.

(info) If an email address is not entered, the From field on outgoing emails will default to the Default Sender field in the Email Configuration.

Force Password Expiration on Next Login

Selecting this field forces the user to change their password after signing in. After they do this for the first time, the check box is reset. This is primarily used when you reset their password for them.

User preferences



Report Date Format

Format that dates appear in when the user runs a report.

Report Time Format

Format that times appear in when the user runs a report.

Supervisor/Mgr Code

Enter the user code of the person whom this user reports to.

Department Code

The department code can be used for internal reporting. It is an optional field. You can set up your own department code's hierarchy.

Experience Level

The user's experience level can be used to control certain application behaviors. For example, you can set up alerts that will only be displayed to novice users, but not to veteran users (under the assumption that the veterans are already familiar with the information).


The type of currency used for the enclosure values specified below. For more information about currencies, see Multi-Currency.

Case History Length

Enter the number of cases you want to display in the "last X cases" menu. If this field is left blank, the drop-down menu is disabled.

Letter Closing

Standard closing language to use on letters created by this user.

Letter Signature

Standard signature to use on letters created by this user.

Letter Job Title

Job title to appear on letters created by this user.

Enclosure Authorization

When adding an enclosure to a case, the ship_acct_code field will default to this value.

Enclosure Manual Pick Loc

After an enclosure is picked, the shipped_by code on the enclosure will default to this value.

View Case Polling Period

Determines how often the user's list of open cases is refreshed when that view is left open. A setting of 60 seconds is typical. Setting it too short can cause performance problems with the system since each user is continually refreshing their data from the database.

View Queue Polling Period

Determines how often the user's list of queues is refreshed.

User responsibilities

In this section, you define both the companies and the queues to which this user is assigned. The user is only allowed to access data for the specified companies and is only able to view and pick items from the specified queues.

To add a new responsibility for a user:

  1. Click the Add Responsibility button on the banner.

  2. A window displays allowing you to select a company and user code.

    • If you are giving the user permission to work on cases for a company, select the Company ID, and select this person's user code.

    • If you are giving the user permission to work on cases in a specific queue, select the Company ID, and select the user code for the queue.
      (info) You can select multiple queue names to add several at one time.

  3. Click the OK button. A new row or rows will be added to the table.




This is the Company ID that was selected when the row was added.

Responsible for User Code

This is the name of the user or queue for which this person is responsible.

View Type

Choose from one of the following options:

  • View As User: The user can view Open Cases, Open Issues, and Pending Actions for the specified Company ID and User Code.

  • View As Queue: If the Responsible for User Code is an Emplifi Agent queue, the user can monitor that queue via the Case Queues view on the Workbench.

  • Do Not View: The user cannot access Open Cases, Open Issues, or Pending Actions for the company specified. This is the same as the default behavior if a user does not have permission for a specific Company ID. This option is provided to allow an administrator to occasionally add or remove a user's permission for a specific company or queue without having to actually add or delete rows from this table.

 To delete a responsibility:

  1. Select the check mark next to the responsibility you want to delete.

  2. Click the Delete Selected Responsibilities button on the banner. A confirmation message will display.

  3. Click Delete.

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