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Emplifi Agent supports multiple currencies for items such as enclosures.

Currency is a standard category. It should be predefined as category AFK, as a "Code+Table" category type, with a single level.

For more information, see:

To access the Currency definition screen:

  • In Administration, select Company Setup > Case Categories > Address (A) Categories > Currency Code.

The fields at the top of the screen are the standard Code Definition fields. It should be noted that the default capitalization type for codes in this category is "Set All Upper." This should not be changed, as certain parts of the system will assume that the codes are in uppercase and will not work properly otherwise.

Within each currency, you can define the conversion rates that you want to use within the application. To add a new conversion rate, click the New Conversion button on the banner.

It may be simplest to select a single "default" currency from which you specify all your conversions. The system will then be able to convert automatically from one currency to another.

The following fields are part of each currency conversion:



From Currency

Select the currency code that you will be converting from.

Current Rate

This is the "current" conversion rate. The name is something of a misnomer seeing as how conversion rates change continually on any given day. You can update these values with the current conversion rates as often as you feel is necessary.

The Current Rate is used to convert currency values to the company's default currency at the time a transaction is being entered. (For example, converting an enclosure from its defined value to the value in the company currency.)

The company currency is then summed into goodwill.

Budget Rate

The Budget Rate is designed to be changed on a less frequent basis, such as when there is a major or permanent change in the conversion rate. It is intended that it should give a general approximation of the conversion rate over time.

This value is used for all user policy calculations, such as check limits, coupon limits, enclosure values limits, repeater limits, etc. Since the value does not change frequently, a user can know what his or her limits are from day to day, without having to worry about the current conversion rate.

For example, the user doesn't have to worry that one day his limit is USD $15.00, then $14.80 another day, $15.10 the next, and so on.

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