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Paragraph Suggestions

Letters that use suggested paragraphs, allow you to insert information on a letter based on specific data entered on a case. If the agent enters a specific value in the driver category, the suggested paragraph logic provides a list of optional or suggested paragraphs to include on the letter when the agent preps the letter.

To define a suggested paragraph, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Define a special paragraph insert ([special.suggested_paragraphs]) to insert a trigger for the paragraph suggestion logic.

  2. Define a letter using the special paragraph insert.
    (info) If this insert is used, make sure that it is only in one paragraph on any given letter. Otherwise it will restart the suggestion process each time it occurs.

  1. Define the suggested paragraphs, assigning the driver categories and the paragraphs that will be suggested based on that category being entered on the case.

When the letter is attached to the case and prepped, the Optional and Suggested Paragraphs window displays. Suggested paragraphs appear with check boxes for the agent to select the paragraphs that they want to include on the letter. Optional paragraphs appear with option buttons which allow the agent to select one paragraph to include on the letter.

The [prompt.] insert will not work in a suggested paragraph.

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