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Moving and Renaming Codes

Moving Codes

You can easily move codes and folders within a category hierarchy, with the following restrictions:

  • Codes cannot be moved from one category to another.

  • Codes can only be moved at the same level. For example, a code that is in a level 1 folder can only be moved to another level 1 folder.

  • Before attempting to move or rename a code, you must first save any pending changes.

To move one or more existing codes:

  1. In the relevant application setup section (For details, see Application Setup Overview), go to the folder that contains the codes you want to move.

  2. In the Function Bar, select the code that you want to move.

  3. Click the Move Code button on the banner. The system displays a dialog showing the name of the code you are moving. (If you are moving multiple codes, it simply says "Move Multiple Codes.")

  4. Select a destination folder. You can either select one from the browse list at the bottom of the window, or you can type in the name directly.

  5. After you have selected the destination, click the Move button at the bottom of the dialog. The codes are moved and the application setup section (For details, see Application Setup Overview) opens to show the codes under the new parent folder.

Renaming Codes

You can easily rename a code or folder, and simultaneously change all locations within the system where that code is used.

The length of time that it will take to rename a code will depend on a number of factors. One is how many records are in your database. More cases and issues mean more potential data to rename. The other (and probably larger) factor is whether or not the category in question is properly indexed within the database. Renaming an unindexed category on an extremely large database could take hours, whereas the same rename with an index might take a few minutes or even seconds.

For this reason, consider the following best practices:

  • Attempt your rename first in a test database and observe how much time is required.

  • Perform renames on the production database during off-hours when few or no users are in the system. You don't want to risk adversely affecting system performance during your peak business hours.

To rename an existing code:

  1. In the relevant application setup section (For details, see Application Setup Overview), go to the folder that contains the code that you want to rename.

  2. In the Function Bar, select the code that you want to rename.

  3. Click the Rename Code button on the banner.

  4. You will be presented with a dialog showing the name of the code you are renaming. You will be asked to enter the new name for the code.

  5. The option "Synchronous Rename of Case Data" is selected by default. It is assumed that under most circumstances you will want any existing cases that use the old name to be changed to use the new name. If you do not want to update case data, clear the case option.

  6. After you have entered the new name, click the Rename button in the dialog.

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