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Hosted Surveys

Emplifi Agent supports the use of hosted surveys.

To use Hosted Surveys, enter the Survey Publishing URI and the Survey Results Email Address on the Configuration: Case.

Configure an Email Service for POP3: Mail Server and Mailbox. For more information, see Email Service: Configuration.

  1. From Emplifi System Manager, configure and start the Email Service.

  2. Define the Survey. For details, see Defining and Maintaining Surveys.

  3. Create a Survey Run. For details, see Working With Survey Runs.

  4. Define the Import Form for the Survey. For details, see Defining Import Forms.

  5. Publish the Survey Run. For details, see Working With Survey Runs.

  6. Setting options for the published survey, through the Survey Manager site.

    1. Log in to Survey Manager site.

    2. Select the published survey.

    3. Set a Logo for the survey.

    4. Set a theme for the survey.

    5. Save your changes and log out.

  7. Create a survey paragraph and letter.

  8. Send a survey from a case. For details, see Add Items: Surveys.

For more information, see Surveys.

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