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Emplifi Knowledge Configuration Editor

The Emplifi Knowledge Configuration Editor allows for the configuration of multiple Emplifi Knowledge sites to be handled within Emplifi Agent. Configurations can be mapped to Case (B) and Issue (C) category codes. You can add as many configurations as necessary and map as many case and issue categories to each configuration as required by your company.

If you have multiple languages, you can set up a configuration for each language and then use each of those configurations as different touchpoints in Agent Assist.

These mappings connect a code to an Emplifi Knowledge database. For example, when a user enters the code for 'Product A,' then database A opens. If the user enters 'Product B,' then database B opens. If the mapping does not exist, the user's default Emplifi Knowledge database opens.

To add a new Emplifi Knowledge Configuration:

  1. On the Application Bar, select Administration > Emplifi Knowledge Configuration. The Emplifi Knowledge Configuration window displays.

  2. Click the New Agent Assist Configuration button on the banner. The new code is added to the function bar and displays on the Emplifi Knowledge Configuration page.

  3. Complete the following fields to define the configuration:




Enter the ID for this configuration.


A text description of the configuration.


Select this check box to have Emplifi Agent use the configuration.

Default Configuration

Select this check box to make this configuration the default. The default configuration is used when there is no mapping match found or the selected website fails to load.

(info) For Agent Assist to work, a Default Emplifi Knowledge configuration must be set up.


Enter the Web address of the Emplifi Knowledge site.


Enter the touchpoint that you want Emplifi Knowledge to access.

Default TouchPoint

Enter the secondary touchpoint that you want Emplifi Knowledge to access if the TouchPoint entered above does not contain responses for the query.

Language ID

Select the language that you want Emplifi Knowledge Agent Assist to use when displaying responses for this configuration. For information on Language IDs, see Language ID.

(info) If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default language of "en" (standard English).

Assoc. Content Base URL

Enter the URL for the associated content BASE where the associated content (mainly a Web page) resides.

Default Content URL

Enter the URL where the default content resides.

Restrict to Security Function

Leave set to No Restrictions if everyone should be able to see the Knowledge Configuration in Agent Assist.

If you want to restrict access to the Knowledge Configuration, select a security function that matches the user’s Security Role.

(info) Users with a security function with no Agent Assist security functions will see all Knowledge Configurations in Agent Assist.


Enter a number to indicate the level of importance assigned to this configuration. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

If the priority is left blank, then the configuration is reviewed by the system after all configurations that have an assigned priority of 1 or greater. All configurations that have a blank priority are reviewed in the order in which they were added to the system.

Date Added

Displays the date that the configuration was created.

Added By User Code

Displays the user that added the configuration.

Date Changed

Displays the last date that the configuration was changed.

Changed By User Code

Displays the user that last changed the configuration.

Emplifi Knowledge Version

Enter the appropriate version of Emplifi Knowledge being used.

Knowledge Base

Enter the knowledge base you want Emplifi Knowledge to connect to.

Topic Contexts

Each knowledge base can be broken into separate topic contexts. You can decide which topic contexts of a knowledge base you want to use, thereby ignoring the rest. Multiple contexts can be used by writing each one in a list separated by a space. If you want to use all topic contexts of a knowledge base, write "all."

Security Key

Click the Change Password button and enter the security key. This is a 32-digit alphanumeric key used to enhance the security of Emplifi Knowledge agents. Each knowledge base has a unique key that allows access to the knowledge base's API.

Recommendation URL

Enter the URL for the Recommendation API.

Authoring Server

Enter the URL that calls the authoring API.

For example:

https://<authoring server>/RD7Authoring

(info) If you do not know your authoring server, please contact Emplifi Support for assistance. For more information about support, see Feedback and Technical Support.

Authoring User

Enter the Emplifi Knowledge user name.

Authoring Password

Click the Change Password button and enter the Emplifi Knowledge password in the text box.

Widget URL

Enter the URL of the Emplifi Knowledge widget.

In Classic Emplifi Agent, you can set up and assign a Standard Paragraph in Emplifi Knowledge Agent Assist. If you have done this, when agents access Emplifi Knowledge Agent Assist from the Case page for the first time, a query is passed to Emplifi Knowledge Agent Assist based on the Standard Paragraph. This functionality is only available in the Classic interface.

Driving Categories Mapping

Each configuration can be mapped to as many Case (B) and Issue (C) category codes as required by your company. Agent will attempt to select a default Knowledge Configuration by matching the categories on the case to the Driving Category Mappings for each Knowledge Configuration. Click the Add New Mapping button and complete the following fields for each category you want to map to the configuration.




Enter the name of the category to which you want to map this configuration.


This is the Category ID of the category selected in the previous field. It is filled in automatically and cannot be changed except by changing the value in the Category field.


Enter a specific code value that you want to map the configuration to or leave this field blank to map to any value for the specified category.

Added By User Code

Displays the user that added the mapping.

Date Added

Displays the date when the mapping was created.

Changed By User Code

Displays the user that last changed the mapping.

Date Changed

Displays the date that the mapping was last changed.

Determining Which Configuration to Use

Since you can define a configuration for each of your Emplifi Knowledge sites, and each of these sites can be mapped to a specific category code, there are a few things to keep in mind when setting up the configurations and mappings.

  • Only one configuration can be set up as a default.

  • Only one configuration can be set up for each site.

  • Category codes can be mapped to multiple configurations.

  • You can assign a priority to each configuration to determine which configuration to use when multiple mappings match the code entered.

The following shows how the system determines which configuration to use.

  • If the system has the following configurations and mappings defined:

Config A

Config B

CO1 = x

CO2 = B

CO1 = x

CO3 = C

  • Then the system uses the following to determine the configuration to use:

If the case contains the following...

the system uses...

CO1 = x

Checks the priority on the configurations and uses the highest priority.

CO1 = x

CO2 = B

Uses Config A

CO1 = x

CO3 = C

Uses Config B

CO1 = x

CO2 = B

CO3 = C

Checks the priority on the configurations and uses the highest priority.

No Match

Uses the Default Configuration

If Configuration Chosen Fails

Uses the Default Configuration

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