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Email Service: Inbound Mail Server

This screen contains the master settings used by the email service to connect to the mail server.

PCEmail Service Settings



Usage Type

Select the usage type of this email configuration. The email service usage type must match that of the server. This field defaults to blank and most often will be set to Production.

When the PCEmail service runs, the email configuration's usage type is compared to that in Emplifi Agent Server. If the usage types do not match, the system logs an error and the polling of the configured mailboxes is stopped.

(info) When upgrading from an older version, the existing email configurations’ usage types are saved as "Blank". These configurations will be allowed to continue running only if the Emplifi Agent Server usage type is "Production". To get existing email configurations to run under different Emplifi Agent Server usage types, the email usage type must be manually updated to match the Emplifi Agent Server.

Integration Type

Inbound mail can be retrieved in one of the following ways:

  • POP3: Email will be picked up using the industry-standard POP3 protocol. Most current email servers support POP3.

  • Emplifi Agent Interaction: Email will be picked up using the Emplifi Agent Interaction system. Emails are then automatically routed to available agents. This option allows the use of pre-CIC 3.0 servers.

  • IMAP: Email will be picked up using an IMAP server.

  • ICELib3: Email will be picked up using the Emplifi Agent Interaction system. Emails are then automatically routed to available agents. This option allows the use of CIC 3.0 and later servers.

  • EWS (Exchange Web Service): Microsoft is disabling this service. Please note the following:

  • New users - Microsoft Office 365 no longer allows EWS access to individual mailboxes. You need to use Graph.

    Active users- Microsoft Office 365 will allow EWS access to individual mailboxes until the second half of 2021. At that time, administrators will need to switch from EWS to Graph.

    (info) Setting up the Graph permissions will require the assistance of your Office 365 administrator. See Email Service: Graph Integration Settings for more information.

  • ICELib4: Email will be picked up using the Emplifi Agent Interaction system. Emails are then automatically routed to available agents. This option allows the use of CIC 4.0 servers.

  • Graph: This enables access to Office 365 email messages with restricted access permissions. See Email Service: Graph Integration Settings for more information.

Server Polling Interval

The email service will check for new email every time the specified interval elapses. The time should be entered in seconds.

Reconnect Interval

If the email service encounters a problem, it will attempt to reconnect to the mail server at the specified interval. The time should be entered in seconds.

Emplifi Agent Interaction Integration

If you selected an Integration Type of "Emplifi Agent Interaction" or "ICELib," you will need to complete these settings to tell the service how it will connect to the Emplifi Agent Interaction server.



PCI Server Name

The name of the Emplifi Agent Interaction server.

PCI User Name

This is the user name that the email service will use to log on to the Emplifi Agent Interaction server.

PCI Password

This is the password associated with the Emplifi Agent Interaction User Name. Click Edit to change the password.

The machine on which the Email Service will be running must be defined as a Basic Station on the CIC server. This can be accomplished using the Interaction Administrator application included with the CIC server. For further information, you should consult the online help for Interaction Administrator.

Email Quarantine Settings

Email quarantine is used in cases when an inbound email causes an unexpected error in the email service. This can happen occasionally when an email is in a non-standard format, or if it contains data that is not machine-readable.

If the email was left in the original location, the email service would process it on each run, failing over and over again, and potentially preventing other emails from being processed. The quarantine feature will remove the "bad" email from the inbound mail location, and forward it to another mailbox where it can be manually processed by an agent.

When an incoming email is detected to be an auto-response, the email is moved to quarantine.

Quarantine settings can be overridden for each individual mailbox. However, if any mailbox will be using the POP3, IMAP, or EWS method of quarantine, you must fill out the SMTP Server and Port fields on this screen.

A PCEmail Quarantine Test is available. PCEmail will search for “[pcemail quarantine test message]” in the subject of the message. When found, the message is treated as if it experienced a fatal error and is sent to quarantine. This allows the quarantine setup to be verified prior to an actual email failure that needs to be quarantined.

An email sent to Emplifi Agent must use both Carriage Return (CR) and Line Feed (LF) characters to indicate where tags end. Both CR and LF are required for our system to parse the data.

Note the following:
&#xA is the HTML representation in hex of a Line Feed character.
&#xD is the HTML representation of Carriage Return.



Quarantine Type

This setting determines where the quarantined email will be sent:

  • Internet Mail (SMTP): This allows the bad email to be forwarded to another mailbox via SMTP (standard Internet mail). This setting can be used regardless of the Integration Type.

  • Emplifi Agent Interaction: Bad emails will be sent to another queue within the Emplifi Agent system. This setting can ONLY be used if the Integration Type is also Emplifi Agent Interaction. This option is used for CIC pre-3.0 servers.

  • ICELib: Bad emails will be sent to another queue within the Emplifi Agent system. This setting can ONLY be used if the Integration Type is also ICELib. This option is used for CIC 3.0 and later servers.

  • Graph: Bad emails will be forwarded through Graph to the mailbox name that is entered.

Queue / Mailbox Name

If the Quarantine Type is set to Internet Mail (SMTP), enter the email address where quarantined mails should be sent. (for example, "")

If the Quarantine Type is Emplifi Agent Interaction or ICELib, enter the extension of the PCI queue where the email should be transferred. This could be either another PCI queue or an agent.

(info) If you clear the value in this field, the Quarantine Type field is also cleared. Make sure to reselect the Quarantine Type when you enter the name in this field. If you do not enter these values, the email service will fail.

SMTP Server

For POP3, IMAP, or EWS quarantine, you must provide the name of an SMTP mail server that will be used to forward the email to the quarantine address.


For POP3, IMAP, or EWS quarantine, you must provide the port number that will be used to connect to the SMTP server. The standard SMTP port is 25, and is used in almost all cases. On rare occasions, network administrators will change the SMTP port number, usually for security reasons.


If specified, the value will be used as the email user when connecting to the SMTP server. If left blank, an anonymous connection will be used.

SMTP Password

This is the email password to use when connecting to the SMTP server.


If selected, an SSL connection will be made with the SMTP server.

SMTP Sender

This is the From address to be used for emails redirected to the quarantine mailbox, using the SMTP server.

When adding a new Email Service Configuration, the quarantine section's new SMTP field values will default to the values specified in the Email section of the Emplifi Agent Configuration (e.g. DEFAULT) for the logged in user.

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