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Case Export

The Case Data Export Utility functions for the same purpose as the Case Listing Report, but is able to efficiently handle high volumes with little memory. The utility can produce one file with data from all cases that are being exported or a one file (or group of files) for each case selected.

To access the Case Export Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Case Utilities > Case Export Utility.

Utility options

The options for this utility change based on the Export mode:

Case Listing options

The Case Listing ‘Export Mode’ is used to create one file with data elements as defined in the “Columns” and “Filters” tabs.



View As

Select how you want to view the results.

  • XLSX (Excel Data)

  • TXT (Tab separated text file)

  • CSV (Comma separated text file)

  • XML

Export date time in sortable format in Excel

Select this box to export the Date and Time columns in a sortable format in Excel. This option will only display when "XLSX (Excel Data)" is selected in the View As field.

If this box is clear, the columns are exported using the Report Date Format and Report Time Format fields.

Table Joins for Case Listing

The following Table Joins options are available for this utility when using the Case Listing ‘Export Mode’:



Address Join

Select an option to determine which addresses appear on the report.

Issue/Text Join

Select an option to determine whether text and issue data will be linked on the report.

Issue/Enclosure Join

Select an option to determine whether issue and enclosure data will be linked on the report.

If you are not using both issue and enclosure data on the report, use the default value (Any Issue, Any Enc Req).

Action Join

This setting determines how information related to actions will be included in the report.

  • To Case (if Referenced): If a field related to actions is referenced anywhere in the report (counter, filters, columns, etc.), the action information is included along with the case information, ignoring any relationship to specific issues. If there are multiple actions and issues on a single case, a cross product will result, with the possibility of many duplicate rows and counts. For example, a case with four issues and three actions will create 12 rows.

  • To Issue (equi-inner-join): Action information is linked to issue information based on the Issue Seq field on the action. This happens no matter what other report options are specified. Data will only be listed and counted if there are both actions and issues on a case, and the action points to an issue that is still present (i.e. has not been deleted). No duplicate counting will occur from using this setting. This setting should only be used when attempting to filter or report on action data that ties to a specific issue.

Case Details options

The Case Details ‘Export Mode’ is used to create one PDF file (and possibly a group of file attachments) for each case selected based on the criteria defined on the “Filters” tab.

It is anticipated that a large number of files will be created, so the files themselves are only available from the export location. Only the log file is sent via email when run in background/scheduled.



Case Details Mode

Because this utility can produce a large number of files and have a long processing time, a ‘Test’ mode is provided. It will create a log file that estimates the total number of files that would be produced if ‘Process’ mode is chosen.

Case Detail Format

Choose the format to use for the case details. One PDF will be created based on this format for each selected case.

The available formats are Standard Letter definitions where Letter Type = ‘Form'. This is the same list/mechanism that is used by the Case - Print Form function.

Folder Name Type

A folder is created in the standard Output/Export path defined for the Agent website.

Folder Name - The value specified in the ‘Folder Name’ option.

Partial + YYYYMMDD - Date in the YYYYMMDD format appended to the value specified in ‘Folder Name’

Generated ('CaseDetailExportUtility_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' )

Results Folder

If desired, specify a subfolder of the ‘Transfer‘ folder to store the results of the Case Export.

If not specified, then the results will be stored in the ‘Results‘ folder.

Folder Name

Not used if folder name is generated

Create Subfolders

If checked, monthly subfolders (M<YYYY><MM>) will be created in the parent folder defined above. This is helpful to organize the exported files when large numbers of cases are being exported across a multi-month time-period.

Case Attachments

If included, Case Attachment files that have been uploaded to each case (not links) will be exported with the case PDF.

If the file format supports PDF conversation, the files can also be converted to PDF as they are exported. This could greatly increase the processing resources (and time) required and is not recommended for large file sets.

Attachment Types

Select from a list of defined Attachment Types (if configured) or select “ALL”. It is not possible to select multiple types (other than ALL).

Utility output

The following output options are available for this utility:



Results Language

Select the results language for the report. For more information, see the Results Language section on page Reports Overview.

Time Zone

Select the time zone to use when processing the report. This indicates the time zone to use when using dates on filters and displaying dates.

By default, the dates will reflect the time zone of the agent.

For category dates, only the system date time is updated for the time zone (Type J). All the other dates are shown as stored in the database.

Report Date Format

Select the format to use when displaying dates on the report. Choose from:

  • Blank or Use Date Format of Agent/System - first checks the agent's date format (set in the User Options) and if not defined it uses the system date format (set in the System Parameters).

  • yyyy-MM-dd

  • dd-MMM-yyyy

  • dd/MM/yyyy

  • MM/dd/yyyy

Report Time Format

Select the format to use when displaying time on the report. Choose from:

  • Blank or Use Time Format of Agent/System - first checks the agent's time format (set in the User Options) and if not defined it uses the system time format (set in the System Parameters).

  • Do not show Time

  • HH:mm:ss (24hr)

  • HH:mm (24hr)

  • hh:mmAM/PM

  • h:mmAM/PM

Utility filters

For information, see Filters in Emplifi Agent.

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