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Database Log Report

The Database Log Report allows you to run a PCAS Log or Interaction Bus Log report.

To access the Database Log Report:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Reports > Reports Admin > Administration Reports > Database Log Report.

Report Options

The following options are available for this report:



Log Source

Select the type of log report to generate. Choose from PCAS Log or Interaction Bus Log.

Log Report Mode

Enter one of the following reporting modes:

  • List Log Entries: Displays a list of the log entries.

  • Analyze Processing Times: Creates a HTML summary by Request with count per time period, with minimum/maximum/avgerage server time.

  • Analyze Client Times: Creates a HTML summary by Request with count per time period. The minimum/maximum/average times shown are total-round-trip client times, not just server times.

  • Analyze Max Threads:Displays the maximum number of total threads running by time period.

  • Analyze Idle Time:Displays the idle times by time period.

View As

Select the output type of the report. For more information, see Report Output Types.

Report Title

Enter a title to appear at the top of the report.

Time Frame

Select a time frame for the following date selection.

From Date / Thru

Enter the date range that you want to view.

(info) You must use the time zone of the server.

Limit Row Count To

Enter a negative number to limit the last N rows in the range.

For example, to see what is currently happening in the log, enter -500.

Message Like

Enter the message you want to display. The system will look for all messages like the message you enter.

Only Show User

Enter the user code to show the information for a specific user.

Only Show Thread

Enter specific thread information to display on the report.

For example, filter the results to show a specific thread (1234) or a specific request for a specific thread (1234-543).

Show To Log Level

Enter the assigned log level number to show all logs up to that level.

Assigned log levels are from 0 (least) to 9 (most detailed).

To show all log levels, leave this field blank.

Log Order

Select from the following:

  • Event Date

  • User, Event Date

  • Thread, Event Date

Analysis Options

The following options apply to the selected Log Report Mode:



Starting/Ending Hour Column

Enter the hour range using 24-hour time in the server time zone.

Starting Hour is the first column. Ending Hour is the last column.

Example: Enter 24-hour time as:

  • 0 = midnight

  • 3 = 3 A.M.

  • 17 = 5 P.M.

Step Size (min)

Enter the number of minutes to report in intervals during the time set in the Starting and Ending Hour columns.

Example: Let's say you set the fields to the following:

  • Log Report Mode = Analyze Processing Times

  • Starting Hour Column = 0

  • Ending Hour Column = 3

  • Step Size (min) = 30

This means the report collects data between 12 A.M. and 3 A.M. today. The counts are placed in buckets that span 30-minute intervals.

View Stats By

Select either Request Name or Time Period.

Show Requests

Select the check box to show the requests.

Show Errors

Select the check box to show each error test in addition to requests.

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