Shared Address Setup
Shared Address
To allow the addresses entered in one company to be used by another company you can define the companies such that they share addresses. The sharing of addresses allows for one main address record (Name, Address, City, Postal …) and information specific to each of the companies sharing the address. The repeater and goodwill information are kept separate but the most severe of these values is stored on the main address and given as an alert when used on a case for any company sharing the address.
Set Up
If addresses already exist in each of the companies, it may be difficult to merge all addresses and keep them linked to the correct cases. You should contact Emplifi for assistance in this scenario.
In Administration, select System Setup > Company Definitions, then select the companies that you want to share addresses. For each of the companies you want to share addresses with, set the Address Company ID field to the master company ID that will store the addresses. Make sure to set the master company to point to itself so that the individual information (accumulated goodwill and such) is stored for the master also.
Make sure the Address Type (A01) Codes defined for each company using the addresses are not a Same As category but contain the exact same codes and hierarchy. We recommend the Address Type category be marked for restricted access. Other Address (A) Codes can be set up as Same As.
Each company can have unique information stored for the address that is not shared with other companies. This information, along with accumulated goodwill, last contact, and last modified (for a specific company) are stored in the Address Extended Attributes (P Codes).
Using Addresses
Using a shared address on a case is the same as using non-shared addresses. The address information is entered and searched upon using the base address company ID regardless of the company ID of the case. The exception deals with the accumulated goodwill and repeater code calculations. The goodwill on the main address is the total across all companies. The repeater code on the main address is the most severe repeater code across the companies. Repeater code severity is maintained by the category specific value of the code. We recommend that the repeater code category be a Same As category and that each company's goodwill and repeater rules work in conjunction or be exactly the same. The company's specific goodwill and repeater code value is stored on the Extended Attributes for the address and represents the values for just that company.
From the address history users will be able to see all cases regardless of the company for that address. Standard case open functionality (responsibility, security, and license) is verified before the user can open a case.