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Repeater Reset

This utility can be used to reset counts for repeat callers, including the amount of goodwill that has been given to the caller.

To access the Repeater Reset Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Address Utilities > Repeater Reset.

Utility Options

The following options are available for this utility:



Log Commits Every

Determines how often the process writes an entry in the log file. The default is a log entry after every 100 rows and should be sufficient for most situations.

Repeater Reset Mode

  • Do Not Reset: Select this option if you do not want to reset the Repeater Code (AFR) for the selected addresses. Usually used when you only want to rebalance the goodwill amounts.

  • Reset Repeater Code: Select this option to select the correct Repeater Code (AFR) for the selected addresses based on the number of cases the for each address.

Rebalance Goodwill Mode

  • Do Not Rebalance: Goodwill amounts will not be changed.

  • Rebalance Summing All Cases: The goodwill amounts for all cases will be re-summed and placed on the appropriate address records.

  • Rebalance After Config Date: The goodwill amounts for all cases received after a certain date will be re-summed and placed on the appropriate address records.

Shared Address Mode

If you are using shared address records across multiple companies, this setting is used to determine which address records will be affected.

  • Only Current Company: Only affect the address records that are specific to the current company and not shared.

  • Only Enterprise Totals: Only affect the address records that are shared in multiple companies.

  • All Shared Companies and Enterprise: Affect all address records.

Address Selection

These options allow you to limit the selection of address records based on the given criteria:



From Address, To Address

If you want to limit the process to a range of address IDs, you can enter the starting and ending ID numbers in these fields. If left blank, all applicable addresses will be processed.

Address Type

If you want to only process addresses of a specific type, enter the type in this field. If left blank, addresses of all types will be processed.

Address Source

Additional options for limiting the selection of address records. These options allow you to select or filter records based on how they were first entered into the system.



Import Utility (not including conversion)

Include addresses that originated through an import utility or possibly from a data conversion from another system, depending on when and how the conversion was performed.

Unknown Source

Any address whose source is blank or doesn't match one of the other specified types.

Case Entry

Include addresses that originated by being entered onto a case.

Address Maintenance

Include addresses that originated by being entered manually through the address entry screen.

Results Language

Select the results language for the utility. For more information, see the Results Language section on page Utilities Overview.

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