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Recreate Field List

The Recreate Field List Utility allows you to rebuild the field list on an as needed basis. By default the system rebuilds the field list when a user logs on to the system. In some cases this may take a long time and tie up resources. This utility allows a user with the necessary access rights to set the utility up on a schedule to run at a specific time.

The log file that is generated by this utility will contain information regarding the options used in the recreate process. For details about log files, see the Utility Log Files section on page Utilities Overview.

To access the Recreate Field List Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Configuration Utilities > Recreate Field List.

Utility Options

The following options are available for this utility:



Company ID

Select the Emplifi Agent Company ID for which you want to recreate the field list.

Results Language

Select the results language for the utility. For more information, see the Results Language section on page Utilities Overview.


When you run the utility, a system message will display to let you know the field list was created successfully.

You must exit Emplifi Agent and log back in for any changes in the field list to take effect.

Click the .Log URL on the Results page to open the utility's log file in a new tab. The log file indicates if the process was run successfully. It also provides the date and time the field list was created and who ran the utility.

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