License Management Utility
After installing and upgrading the appropriate sites, you can install the License Files received from Emplifi. Each file received must be installed to the appropriate database (production or training).
Running the License Installation Utility causes the Emplifi Agent Server to:
load the license
validate the license's signature using Emplifi’s public key
validate that the license’s Master License ID matches that of the installed licenses
check the license for any voided licenses and remove any corresponding licenses that it finds (and any associated license records)
insert the license into the appropriate database (production, test, or training)
make the license available to the License Manager
You will need to log in as a user with utility and application setup permissions. After logging in to the upgraded site you may get a warning indicating you are not configured for any licensed products and will have minimal access. This is expected and you will continue to receive this message until you have completed the Steps III through V to setup a license. For details about the steps, see the License Set Up Overview section on page License Management.
Installing a license
From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > User/License Utilities > License Management. The License Management Utility Results display.
Click the Install License button to display the Install License Dialog.
In the Description field, type the license description. We recommend using the license file name.
In the License File field, select the path of the license file that corresponds to the License Description entered. If you click the Select file button, you can choose a file from your computer.
If the license files are stored local to the Server you can enter a local path. If they are not, you need to enter a complete UNC path.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the license data. If the installation is successful, the new license displays in the table. If the installation is unsuccessful, an error message displays.
Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for all license files that you received from Emplifi.
Make sure to update both the Description and License File fields for each license file.
Deleting a license
If you uploaded the wrong license or no longer need a license you already have uploaded, you may choose to delete it from your system. To delete a license:
From the License Management Utility, select the check mark next to the row of the license you want to delete. You can select more than one.
Click the Delete button.