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Information for New Administrators

If you are new to Emplifi Agent administration, this section provides a few pointers on how to get started.

It may seem like the Emplifi Agent system is immense and trying to learn it all at once can be a daunting task. Do not worry, you do not need to know everything all at once. By learning a few important concepts, you have the tools and the information you need to get started. From there you can learn what you need, as you need it.

What To Do First

To effectively administer Emplifi Agent, you should have a thorough understanding of the following:

  • Categories and Codes are the basis for much of the information that makes up your Emplifi Agent system.

  • Suggestions and Migrations are the basis for many of the data entry and process automation options in Emplifi Agent. For more information, see Suggestions Administration Overview.

  • Configurations define many of the application behaviors that affect how your users experience the system, as well as how certain utilities and other features function. You do not need to memorize all of the available settings but should look through them to get an idea of what is there, so that you know where to go when you do need it. For more information, see Configurations Overview.

The importance of the above information cannot be overemphasized. Once you have the above knowledge, you can tackle anything that Emplifi Agent offers. Select from the following for your next step:

  • If you have a specific task that you need to accomplish, consider using the Help search feature to quickly locate the information that you need.

  • If you are simply looking to learn more about the system, use the Help table of contents and menus to browse the Administrator's Guide topics.

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