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Defining Limit Codes

The following topics contain additional information that you may find useful if you are not familiar with limit codes:

To create a new limit code rule:

  1. In Administration, select Company Setup > Data Entry / Validation Rules > Limit Code Rules.

  2. Click the New Suggestion button on the banner.

  3. Enter a description for this rule.

  4. Click the Save button on the banner.

  5. Select the new limit code rule in the Function Bar.

  6. Select a "driver" category in the Category 1 field, and optionally a second category in the Category 2 field.

  7. In the Suggestion Cat field, select the category that is the "target" (limited) category.

  8. Click the Save button on the banner.

To add codes to a new or existing limit code rule:

  1. In Administration, select Company Setup > Data Entry / Validation Rules > Limit Code Rules.

  2. Select the limit code rule in the Function Bar.

  3. Click the New Suggestions Code button to add limit codes to the suggestion list. A selection window is displayed.

  4. In the left side of the window, select one or more codes from the driver category.

  5. In the right side of the window, select one or more codes from the target (suggestion) category. Note that you can also select folders.

  6. Click the OK button. All the possible combinations for both driver and target codes are added to the list of dependent codes.

If you select a large number of items (including target folders containing a large number of codes), this process could be very time-consuming.

  1. Click the Save button on the banner.

To a clone limit code rule:

  1. In Administration, select Company Setup > Data Entry / Validation Rules > Limit Code Rules.

  2. Click the Clone Limit Codes button to create new a new code rule similar to an existing limit code rule. The Clone Limit Code rules dialog box will display.

  3. Select a Rule Category from the list.

  4. On the Clone From side of the window, use the Search text box or the code list to find the code description. Then, select the code you are cloning.

  5. On the Clone To side of the window, use the Search text box or the code list to find the code description you want to clone to. Then, select the code. You may select multiple codes.

  6. Click Ok.

  7. Click the Save button on the banner.

To remove codes from an existing limit code rule:

  1. In Administration, select Company Setup > Data Entry / Validation Rules > Limit Code Rules.

  2. In the list of suggestion codes, select one or more suggestions to delete.

  3. After selecting the rows to be deleted, click the Delete button on the banner. The system asks for you to confirm the deletion. Type "DELETE" in the text box and click Delete.

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