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Defining Events

The Events tab in the Event Requestor Configuration tool is where you define the actual events that will be sent to the Emplifi Agent Server.

On the left side of the tab is a list of all defined events. Select an event to edit it. To add a new event, click the New Event button beneath the list.

If you change any settings, or add or delete events, you must stop and restart the service before those changes will take effect.

Event Settings

For each event, the following settings are available:




This check box must be selected for the event to be processed. Disabled events will be ignored.

Request File Name

The actual request that will be sent to the Emplifi Agent Server is contained in an XML file. You can click the ... button to the right of the field to browse for the file to use for this event.

Here is a list of the most common files and their purpose:

  • System.xml: Enables the certain system processes, including Notifier. For details about notifier, see Notifier Overview.

  • PCATSevent.xml: Enables the PCATS processing.

  • InteractionRecorder.xml: Enables the Interaction Recorder processor.


This is a read-only field that describes the schedule that has been set up for this event. The schedule determines when and how often this event will run.

You can modify the schedule by clicking the Set Schedule button. For more details, see the topic on Event Schedules.

PCAS Settings

Normally, you will use the default settings. However, if you want an event to be sent to a different Emplifi Agent Server (PCAS), it is possible to override the settings. This is primarily used if you have a production Emplifi Agent Server and either a test or training Emplifi Agent Server on the same machine. You could set up two events and point them at different Emplifi Agent Server instances.



Use Defaults

Select this box to use the default values provided on the General tab. Clear this box to override the settings.


Enter a username to be used to contact the Emplifi Agent Server.


Enter the password associated with the username.

Application Server URL

Enter the full URL to the Emplifi Agent Server request page.

Example: http://servername/sitename/PCAS/Request.aspx

Replace servername and sitename with the correct information for your Web server and website.

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