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Data Export Utility

The Data Export Utility allows you to export table data from Emplifi Agent as text files. You can export the following data:

  • Email Addresses List

  • Enclosures

  • Product Information

  • Country and State

  • Migrations

  • Suggestions

  • InfoCenter

  • Notifications

  • Standard Letters, Letter Paragraphs, and Paragraphs

  • Time Periods

When the utility is run, an export file is created in the Transfer folder. The file lists the options selected with the column names and values separated by tabs.

The user must have w_import_data_utility permissions set to run this utility.

To access the Data Export Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Configuration Utilities > Data Export Utility.

Utility Options

The following options are available for this utility:



Database Table to Export

Select the database table that you want to export.

Export Folder

Select a folder from the drop-down list where you want to store the file.

To select a sub-folder in Emplifi Agent server's Transfer folder:

  1. Click the caret in the text box. A drop-down list will display for you to select the folder.

  2. Click either + or - in front of the folder name to open or close the folder, respectively.

  3. Then, select the folder.

Export File

Enter a file name for the data table you are exporting. If you leave this field blank, the system will use the table name with a ".txt" extension.

File contains header row

Select this option to include a header row with descriptions for each column.

Restrict to current company

Select this option to export data for the current Company ID. Clearing the check box will export data for all companies.

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