Creating Favorites
Favorites can be created for cases, reports, or utilities. You can enter default values that you would like to start off with each time you use that particular item, and then save it as a favorite.
Creating Case Favorites
To create a new case favorite:
Open a new case. Fro details, see Case Basics.
Enter all the information into the case that you want to save as part of the favorite.
From the Application Banner, click the Application Menu.
Click Save As Favorite.
Complete the fields on the Save As Favorite window. (For field descriptions, refer to Fields On The Save As Favorite Window).
Click Ok.
Once you create a case favorite, you can access it by selecting the arrow next to the New Case button.

Creating Report or Utility Favorites
To create a report or utility favorite:
Open a new report or utility that you would like to use as the template for the favorite.
Enter all the information that you want to have as part of the favorite.
Click the Save to Favorite button on the banner.
Complete the fields on the Save As Favorite window. (For field descriptions, refer to Fields On The Save As Favorite Window).
Click Ok.
After you create a report or utility favorite, you view all your favorites on the My Favorites page.
To access the My Favorites page for reports:
From the Application Bar, select Reports > Report Admin > Favorites > My Favorites.
To access the My Favorites page for utilities:
From the Application Bar, select Utilities > Favorites > My Favorites.
Fields on the Save As Favorite Window
Depending on the specific favorite you are creating, you may not see all of the fields listed below.
Field | Description |
Function | This is a read-only field. It tells you the source of the favorite, whether it is a case, a utility name, or a report name. |
Favorite ID | Assign a unique ID to identify the favorite. |
Description | Enter a description for the purpose of the favorite. |
Favorite Type | Select the type of favorite you want to save. Choose from:
Shared with Company | Select the company ID where you want to share the favorite. Select <ALL> to share with all companies. |
Shared with Config | Select the configuration where you want to share the favorite. Select <ALL> to share with all configurations. |
Prevent Update on Distribute | The primary purpose of this option is to prevent one of your favorites from being overwritten by another user, such as when someone is copying or distributing favorites. If this flag is set on one of your favorites and another user tries to distribute a favorite to you with the same name, they will be prevented from overwriting it. When this box is checked, you can still open one of your own favorites, change the settings, and then re-save it with the same name. However, if you open another favorite and then try to save it with the name of a protected favorite, you will get a message telling you that you cannot overwrite the protected favorite. |
Allow others to copy | Select this check box to allow other users to copy the favorite. This option only works when creating a new favorite not for an existing favorite. |
Add to Work Items | Select this check box to display the favorite under the Work Items List on the Application Function Bar. This field is only available for Case Listing, SQL Select, Chart Report, and Frequency reports. For more information, see Favorites Displayed as Work Items.
Add to Quick Reports | Select this check box to display the favorite under Reports menu on the Application Function Bar. For more information, see Favorites Displayed as Quick Reports. |
Company ID | This is a read-only field. It tells you the company under which the favorite is being created. |
In Folder | Select a folder in which to save the favorite. The default is the top-level folder, which is denoted as "ROOT!". If you want to create a new folder, use the My Favorites page. |
Add to Case Caller History | Select this check box to display the favorite under the Caller History in ESP. This option is only available for Case Listing reports and you must have at least one column defined, and one filter defined for the Address ID category. When you select the report from ESP, the report displays in the Case view. You can double-click a line in the report to display the associated case.
Dynamic Favorite | Select this check box to run the favorite as a dynamic report. This option is only available for Case Listing reports. |
Notes | Enter any additional information about this favorite. |