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Configuring Chat Keywords

You can configure keywords for agents to use during a chat with a customer. These function as shortcuts for typing greetings or responses to a customer. This works with all the chat providers. None of these keyword expansions are provided by default, but they can be configured by an Emplifi Agent administrator.

To configure a new chat keyword:

  1. From the Application Function Bar, select Administration > Company Setup > Case Categories > Case Text Categories > Text Keyword.

  2. Click the New Code button.

  3. Enter an ID for the code. This is the keyword that the agent must type in the chat box.

  4. Enter a description for the code.

  5. In the Text Replace tab, type the keyword expansion text. This is the full text that displays to the customer.

When an agent is chatting with a customer, they type the keyword and press [Ctrl+F3]. The keyword is replaced with the keyword expansion text.

Example: After the keyword is configured, an agent could type "hello" and press [Ctrl+F3] and get the result, "Hello, how can I help you today?"

Dynamic Placeholders

You can also choose to include dynamic placeholders in your keyword expansion text. These are useful for names or specific details on a case. These are automatically in Emplifi Agent and ready for use.

Some common placeholders are:

  • {{agent:user_name}} = user name of logged in agent.

  • {{agent:email}} = email of logged in agent.

  • {{case:case_id}} = ID of the case currently being viewed.

  • {{address:given_names}} = Given names of the first address on the case currently being viewed.

  • {{case:b##_code}}

  • {{case:b##_code_desc}}

  • {{issue:c##_code}}

  • {{issue:c##_code_desc}}

  • {{address:given_names}}

  • {{address:last_name}}

  • {{address:email2}}

  • {{address:email3}}

Available prefixes for placeholders are:

  • agent

  • case

  • address

  • attachment

  • enclosure

  • text

  • issue

  • letter

  • otheraddress

  • survey

Example: The dynamic code called {{address:given_names}} looks up the name on the associated case. Using the above example, if the customer's name was Ethan, the text would read, "Hello, how can I help you today, Ethan?"

If a field defined in a placeholder does not exist, the placeholder will remain in the text.

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