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Configuration: CaseLayout

The CaseLayout page allows you to configure how each section on the Case page is viewed by the user, and how the ESP cards are prioritized.

To access the CaseLayout page:

  1. From the Application Bar, select Administration > Configuration Settings.

  2. Select a configuration by double clicking the name.

  3. From the Configuration Editor Bar, select CaseLayout.

Configuring ESP Cards

An administrator can specify the order of ESP cards, as well as hide a card from the agent's view.

ESP cards set up on the Macro Definitions screen will display before the card priority set on the CaseLayout screen.

To configure ESP card priority:

  1. On the ESP Card Order section, use the scroll bar to locate the card name you want to configure.

  2. Enter the following options for the card.



Card Name

ESP card names will display on the left side of the screen. Use the scroll bar to view the full list of available cards.


Enter the priority number for the card's sequence order on ESP. If two cards have the same priority, then the more recently added/updated card will appear above the older card. This field is required.

Hide ESP Card

Select this check box to hide the ESP card from the agent's view. When the check box is clear, the card will display on ESP.

  1. Click Save on the banner.

  2. Sign out and sign back in to Emplifi Agent for the changes to display.

Configuring Case Sections

You can configure the Case page view for a new case, an existing case, or a case picked from the queue. The user's view of the section is based on their role and the configuration. Based on the settings you choose, when the user opens the Case page, the section will display as either open or collapsed and in either essential mode (basic fields) or detailed mode (additional fields). For example, if you are configuring the Case Layout sections for an agent, you may want to configure the New Case view for the "Address" section with "Show" view (the section is open) and "Essential" mode (the basic fields for processing a case).

These settings do not control the order of the page layout.

To configure the section view:

  1. On the CaseLayout banner, click Insert Section.

  2. From the Section drop-down list, select the section name you want to configure.

  3. Under the New Case, Existing Case, and Queue Pick columns, choose the settings for each section. The available options are:




Displays the selected case section in an open (expanded) view.


Displays the selected case section in a closed (collapsed) view.


Displays the basic fields for the user's role to process the case.


Displays the fields that provide additional detail for the user's role. This allows the user to capture more data on the case.

  1. Click Save.

  2. Optional: Click Delete to remove the Case section from the list.

Changes made to the CaseLayout configuration require a server cache rebuild. After you save your changes to this page, click the Application Menu button and select Rebuild Server Cache.

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