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Category Code Rename Utility

The Category Code Rename utility allows administrators to rename category codes as a background task. Codes and folders can be renamed.

This utility should be run on off or low-use times as it locks the table.

To schedule the Category Code Rename Utility:

  1. From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Configuration Utilities > Category Code Rename.

  2. Enter the utility options. Refer to the Utility Options table below for option descriptions.

  3. Click the Run in Background button on the banner. The Schedule Utility window will display. Refer to the Schedule Utility Options table below for option descriptions.

  4. Click Ok to save the schedule.

Utility Options

The following options are available for this utility:




Select the name of the category for the codes you want to rename.

From Code

Select the existing category code to rename.

To Code

Enter the new category code name.

Schedule Utility Options

The following options are available to schedule the utility:



Report Queue ID

Select a report queue. This field is required; all background processes (regardless of type) are submitted to a queue, where the background processor accesses them to run at the specified time.

Time Frame ID

Select a time frame to specify the interval between run times. For more information, see Time Frames and Dates on Reports and Utilities.

Start Schedule On

Select the first day on which the utility is to run.

Plus Days

Enter a number of days that you want the utility to run past the start date entered. This field is used with custom time frames to have a report run a certain number of days past the start of a time frame.

Start Time

Enter the time of day at which the task should begin. Use the following format:

h:mmPM or h:mmAM

Est Run Time (Min)

Displays the estimated time (in minutes) required to run the utility.

The purpose of this value is to prevent a task from running when the database is expected to be down for maintenance. (The database maintenance schedule is part of the report queue definition.) If a job is scheduled to start, but PCATS calculates that the database will be down before the job completes, the system delays the start of the job until after the scheduled down time.

Save As

Since the utility runs in the background, you need to select an output file. Select the file type for the output. These are the same as the standard report and utility output types. For details, see Report Output Types.

File Name Type

Select a file name type for the output from one of the following options:

Full File Name: Save using the full path and file name entered in the File Name field.

Partial + Day In Year: Save using the name entered in the File Name field, and the day of the year (1 to 366) appends to the file name.

Generated: Emplifi Agent automatically generates a unique file name.

File Name

Enter the full path and file name in which to save the task results. For further information, refer to the description of the File Name Type field.

(info) Scheduling the utility with a specific file name will replace the file name instead of appending it. To avoid losing the previous file, use the generated file name type.

Notify User/Group

Select the name of the user or group of users who are to receive an email notification each time the utility has completed. You can also type a specific email address.

This field can hold up to 2000 characters. If you select a message group as a recipient, the group name is stored as the recipient for the message in the database.

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