Batch Exceptions
This utility allows agent supervisors or other personnel to fix Exceptions created by the Manage Batch Fulfillment process, without needing to run the Process Batch Utility or receiving a System Message when the batch was run. This happens if the agent assigned to the exception is not available to fix the problem.
To view the exceptions, select the desired utility options then click Run Utility to load the first page of Exceptions. A dialog displays with the total exceptions found. Click Continue to display the Exceptions view with the fulfillment exceptions ordered by the Responsible Rep and Case.
If the same exception was recorded in multiple batches, only information for one of the batches is shown. Repairing exceptions does not remove them from this list, it shows all exceptions detected when that batch was created via the Manage Batches utility. The Paging features work in the same manner as the Process Batch Exception view, and the Clear Page Filters toolbar button is currently not used. The "Refresh Current Page" is based on when the Run Utility was last run, not the current value of the Options.
To access the Batch Exceptions Utility:
From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Fulfillment Utilities > Batch Exceptions.
Utility Options
The following options are available for this utility:
Field | Description |
Supervisor/Mgr Code | If entered, exceptions only appear that were assigned directly to the specified user, or any user whose Supervisor Code is set to the specified user (specified in Administration > User and Security Setup > User ). |
Responsible Rep | If entered, only exceptions that were assigned to that user are shown. This is the user that entered the letter or enclosure on the Case, created the Case, or was responsible for the Case at the time the batch was created, depending on the Fulfillment Configuration setting. |
Select Batch ID | To show exceptions for a specific batch, enter or browse for the Batch ID. The Test batch (Batch ID 0) can be entered, to show exceptions for the last time that was run, otherwise exceptions from Batch 0 are not shown. Exceptions are shown for a Batch even if that Batch was later deleted or fully un-batched. If this option is entered, the Batch Dated Within option is ignored. |
Batch Dated Within | Select a period of time to show exceptions for batches created newer than the specified time period to when this utility is run. This option only applies if no Select Batch ID option was specified. This option defaults to "One Week" which includes data from any batches created on or after the current date and time minus 7 days. The "Any Age" option turns this filter off and shows data from any batch. This option may return vast amounts of data and normally should never be run. Deleted batches, or fully un-batched batches will not be included, since the date the batch was created is no longer known. |