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Attachment Type Codes

In System Setup, an administrator can define Attachment Type codes for each type of attachment. An Attachment Type is a single code and cannot contain a hierarchy of Attachment Types. These codes are defined for the system, not for a company. An agent will use these codes to assign the type of attachment being added to the case.

To access the Attachment Type Codes screen:

  • In Administration, select System Setup > System Parameters > Attachment Type Codes.

General Category Settings



Category ID

This a predefined Category ID. You cannot modify this field.


Select this check box to use this category on a window or screen. Clearing this check box will cause the field to behave as if it is type "String," which may have undesirable results.


Defines the type of data that will be stored by this category. For information about the available types, see Category Types.

Sensitive Data Type

Define the type of sensitive data for this category.

Table Column

This field contains the name of the database table and column where this value will be stored. This value is defined by the system and cannot be modified.

Same as Company ID

Same as Category ID


Sometimes it is desirable to have multiple categories that all share the same set of possible values (codes). In this case, you can define all the codes under one category. On the other categories, you set these two fields to point to the Company ID and Category ID whose codes you want to use.

(info) If the Same as Category includes translations, you must select the Requires Translation check box on the Category definition of each category to include the translations.

Same as Name

If the previous two fields are filled in, this field will be automatically populated with the name of the Same As category.

Category Name

This is the name that will be used to refer to this category within the system, while browsing, and on reports. For consistency and clarity, the Name and the Window Label are usually, but not always, the same.

Category Heading

This is the name that will appear as the column heading when this category is used in a table view on a window.

Category Label

This is the name that will appear as the label next to the field when this category is used on a window.

Description 1 Label

Description 2 Label

Description 3 Label

If you will be defining codes for this category, each code can contain up to three descriptions. The first description is typically labeled "Description," and is the general description of the code. The other descriptions can be used for any purpose that may be necessary.

Display Mask

This field works in one of two ways:

For String data types, it determines the way data is displayed after being entered into the field.

For Category Code data types, this field determines how codes are formatted when they are displayed in the code browse window.

See Category Display Masks for more information.

Prefix Search Display

This field is similar to the Display Mask field, except that it is only used when displaying the results of a partial code browse. For details about partial code browsing, see Codes and Browsing.

(info) Data in the browse results will be sorted alphabetically based on the displayed information determined by the display mask.

Default Code

Enter a value that will be automatically entered on all new cases where this category displays as a field.

InfoCenter Code

This allows you to associate an InfoCenter entry with this category. The most common use of this feature is to attach information which can be viewed by other Emplifi Agent Administrators, with detailed information which may help them when maintaining this specific category.

Access Restricted

Denotes that this is a Protected Category. Only users who have a special permission can maintain codes in this category. For more information about Protected Categories, see Protected Categories Overview.

Requires Translation

This applies only to "Code" and "Code+Table" category types. When selected, the following must be supplied for every language in your environment:

  • Translations at the category level for the Category Name, Label, and Heading. For details, see Category Definition.

  • Translations for every code within the category for Description1 (and Description2 and Description3, if applicable). If a translation is not supplied for a particular language, the code will not be presented as an option to users of that language. For details, see Code Definition.

If a translation is provided for the code, when the description of the code is referenced (for example, layouts or reports), the translated description will be shown instead of the base language description.

(info) For Same as Category IDs, this check box must be selected on the category definition of each category to include any translations.

Character Length

This field determines the length of values that can be entered for this category. It has slightly different effects depending on the selected data type:

  • Code (or Code+Table): The maximum length of codes that can be created for this category.

  • String: The maximum string length that can be entered into the field.

  • Integer: Total length of the integer. The system will right-justify the entered value after the user tabs out of the field. Therefore, we recommend that you set a length that seems reasonable for the category.

  • Numeric: This is the total number of numeric characters that can appear in the field. Since there are always two digits to the right of the decimal, this value must be at least 3. The system will automatically round any decimal value that is greater than two digits.

Prefix Search Length

This is the minimum number of characters that must be entered into a field before a partial code browse will be initiated. This can be used to prevent users from only entering one or two characters in a field that may return thousands of possible matches. Generally speaking, the greater the number of codes contained in a category, the larger you want to make this field. If the value entered is either 0 or null, no partial code browse will be performed for this category.

Desc. Prefix Search Length

When a partial code browse is initiated, the system will attempt to search by description if no matching codes are found. This is the minimum number of characters that must be entered before a description search will be attempted by the system. If the value entered is either 0 or null, no description search will be performed for this category.

Number of Levels

If the Category Types are either "Category Code" or "Code+Table," this defines the number of levels in the code hierarchy. The hierarchy can be up to 6 levels deep. Though it is possible, this value cannot be easily changed once codes have been added to the category. For information, see Changing Levels in a Category.

Capitalize Type

This option determines whether codes for this category will be automatically capitalized. The options are as follows:

  • None: The capitalization of codes will be unaffected.

  • Set All Upper: Codes will be set to all upper case.

  • Set All Lower: Codes will be set to all lower case.

  • Force Mixed: The first letter of each word will be capitalized. Remaining letters will be set to lower case. Sometimes also referred to as "Proper Case."

  • Optional Mixed: The first letter of each word will be capitalized. Remaining letters will be unaffected, and may be upper or lower case.

(info) For codes defined with a Type of "Category Code" or "Code+Table" and a Capitalize Type set to "None," duplicate codes may be created due to inconsistent use of capitalization when entering the Category ID. We recommend setting the capitalization type to either "All Upper," "All Lower," or "Force Mixed." This will eliminate a code from being added more than once due to difference of capitalization.

(info) Changing the Capitalize Type on an existing category does not automatically change existing codes. Only new codes will be affected by the new capitalization rule. This discrepancy could cause issues with searches and code browsing. Therefore, it is not advisable to change this value on existing categories.

Desc. Capitalize Type

This option determines whether automatic capitalization will be used with code descriptions for this category. The options are the same as those available for Capitalize Type.

Trim Type

This option determines whether spaces will be automatically removed (trimmed) when creating new codes for this category. The options are as follows:

  • Both Trim: Leading and trailing spaces are removed from the code. This is the default setting.

  • Trim Extra Spaces: In addition to removing leading and trailing spaces, any multiple spaces will be condensed to a single space. Example: "Test Code" will be changed to "Test Code."

  • Trim All Spaces: All spaces will be removed from the code.

Insert Type

This option determines what happens when a user tries to enter an invalid code.

  • No Auto-Insert: The user will be informed that the entry is invalid, and the entry will be disallowed.

  • Auto-Insert: A new code will be created automatically with the entered value.

  • Prompt for Insert: The user will be informed that the entry is invalid, and they will be asked if they want to create a new code using the entered value.

Case Usage Settings

These settings affect how the category behaves when used on the Case window or during entry of a survey. For information about mandatory fields, see Mandatory Fields Overview.



Save Mandatory

When this option is selected, a case cannot be saved unless the user has entered a valid value for this field.

Close Mandatory

When this option is selected, the case status cannot be changed to Closed until the user has entered a valid value for this field.

Highlight Important

Indicates that this is an important field that should be highlighted when it displays on any of the case windows. The field is still optional for the agent.

Include Description 1, Description 2, or Description 3

Select Include Description 1, 2, or 3 to show the description on the Case page.

(warning) An excessive number of descriptions can impact performance when opening and saving a Case.

Special Search Functionality Settings



Text Search Defined

Select this check box to allow the creation of the Text Search word lists. Selecting this check box indicates that the category is set up to use the Category Code Text Search. This does not initialize the Category Code Full Text Search in the database, which must be set up in the System Setup area of the Emplifi System Manager. You must select this check box to allow Category Code Text Search for case code validation and to include the category in the Category Code Text Search Utility.

Text Search View on Hover

When this check box is selected, it allows agents to see additional information about a code when browsing. An agent can hover over a code and see details about the code from the application setup sections. For information about application setup, see Application Setup Overview.

Confirm Unique Matches

Select this check box to enable the automatic display of the searchable word list when Category Code Text Search finds a unique match.

Enable Type Down

When this check box is selected, a code browse displays while an agent is typing in a category field.

(info) If the agent types less than the prefix search length, no code browse displays. If the length of text is greater than or equal to the prefix search length and there are no codes that match the text, a code browse does not display.

Code Browse Sort Order



sort code level

Select the automatic sorting order for codes from the list.

sort folder level

Select the automatic sorting order for folders from the list.

Code Search Order







In the First through Fourth fields, select the code search order. The options for each drop down are: "None", "Code", "Description 1", and "Text Search". If the search order is not selected, the default search order is "Code" and "Description 1".


If you support agents in multiple languages in your environment, you can enter translations for some of the category fields in each of the languages you support.

The Translations section of the screen will already contain one line for each of the Language IDs that are defined in your system. You can then optionally enter a translation for Category Name, Category Label, and Category Heading.

For agents who are set up to use a specific Language ID, they will see the appropriate translation if it is available. If a given translation is not available, the agent will see the standard value.

After entering or changing values, you must regenerate window layouts before the changes will take effect.


You will only see this section if the category type is either "Code" or "Code+Table." It shows all of the child codes (or subfolders, depending on how many levels are defined within the code hierarchy) within this folder. From here you can easily select one or more codes to be deleted.

You can also easily change the Active flag or the Display Sequence of all the codes at this level, rather than having to open each individual code and change it. Click the Update Display Seq button to reassign the display sequence based on the current sort.

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