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Attachment Processor

The Attachment Processor Utility allows you to create cases from files on your computer by looking up an associated case ID. If an ID is not found, then a new one is created. The most common use is to process letters that have been received via regular mail and then scanned as either image or text files.

To access the Attachment Processor Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Case Utilities > Attachment Processor Utility.

Utility Options

The following options are available for this utility:




Close Case

If this box is selected, the utility will set the case status to Closed once the case has been created and the file has been attached. If this box is cleared, the case status is set to Open.

(info) If you select this option, you cannot use a transfer action that requires the case to be open. Doing so will cause an error.

One File per Case

Select this option to have the utility create a new case for every file it processes. This is the default selection.

(warning) If you clear this option, all files will be added to a single case, which is rarely desirable.

Case ID

Leave this field blank if you would like to create new cases for all the attachments that you will be processing. If you enter a Case ID, the utility will perform all processing on that single case.

File Grouping

This option can be used to attach multiple, related files to a single case. To use this option, all the related files must begin with the same unique characters. You would enter the number of characters that should match for files to be considered related.

For example, imagine you have a set of files with the following names: "klm001.doc," "klm002.doc," "dmk001.doc," "dmk002.doc," "dmk003.doc."

You could enter a value of 3 into this field, and you would end up with two cases; one for the "klm..." files, and one for the "dmk..." files.

Action Type Code

If you would like an action to be performed against each case after it has been created, you can enter the action here. This is typically used to transfer each of the created cases into a specific Emplifi Agent queue so that users can then pick and process them.

Responsible Rep

Enter the user code who should be set as the Responsible Rep for each newly created case.

(info) The Initial Rep will be the user code of the person who is running the utility.

Case/Issue Defaults

This section allows you to enter default values that will be populated on each new case that is created by the utility. To add a new row, click the New Case Default button on the section banner.




Select the category name for which you would like to specify a default value.


This is the category ID of the selected category name. It is populated automatically and cannot be changed.


Select the code or value that you want to enter into the selected category.

Default For

This setting determines whether this default should only apply to new cases that are created by the utility, to existing cases, or both.

Override for Existing Case

If you are adding attachments to an existing case, select this option to have the specified value override any value that may already exist on the case. If this option is not selected, any existing value will be retained in favor of the default.

File Processing



File Loc

Determines whether the original files are moved or copied.

  • Move File: The original file will be moved to the Emplifi Agent attachments path.

  • Copy File: The original file will be left intact and a copy will be created in the Emplifi Agent attachments path.

File Naming

Normally when an attachment is added to a case in Emplifi Agent, the file gets renamed internally to prevent file name collisions with attachment files for other cases.

  • Rename File: This is the default behavior. Emplifi Agent will create a new, unique name for the attachment file when it is moved or copied. (If the file is copied, the original will remain unchanged.)

  • Keep Name: If you select this option, the original file names will be retained. This practice is generally discouraged because there is the likelihood of errors resulting from duplicate file names.

Use Daily Folder

The attachments path on the Emplifi Agent server normally contains subfolders for each month. The folders are named like "Myymm," where "yy" is the last two digits of the year, and "mm" is the number corresponding to the month.

If this option is selected, an additional daily folder will be created underneath the monthly folder. The folder will be named like "Dxx," where "xx" is the day of the month (1-31).

For example, if the utility is run on July 13, 2005, the monthly folder will be named "M0507," and it will contain a subfolder named "D13."

Default Description

Enter a default description to be entered for each file attachment. You can specify a unique description for each individual file that you select (below). This description will be used for any files which do not have a specific description assigned.


Enter the Transfer folder path where the files you want to create cases for are located. You can browse for a sub-folder by clicking the arrow button to the right of the field.

You can upload a file to a folder by doing the following:

  1. Select the Upload button. The Select File to Upload window will display.

  2. Click the Select File button to browse and select a file to upload from the local machine.

  3. In the Upload to Folder field, select the folder that will hold the file. Then, click OK.

  4. After you have entered the path in this field, click on the List Server File(s) button to populate the file list.

Leaving the Folder field blank and clicking the List Server File(s) button will display a list of files within the Transfer folder of the server.

File List

This section allows you to choose which files are to be processed. To populate the list, you must enter a folder name in the Folder field (above), then click the View Files button. If more than 20 files are returned, use the Last Page, Previous Page, Next Page, and First Page buttons on the banner to navigate through the list and select the files to process.




Select this check box to mark a file for processing.

File Name

Displays the name of the file to be processed.

File Description

Enter a description to be used on the attachment. If no description is given, the default description specified in the previous section is used.

Case ID

Enter the Case ID specified for a file.  If a Case ID is not already specified, the file is automatically associated to the case listed at the top of the window.

Text File Special Handling

If some or all the files that you are importing are either text files or Microsoft Word documents, you have the option of having the contents of the files entered onto the case as Text entries.



File Extension

Enter the extension for files that you want to handle as text files (usually either "txt" or "doc").

Import as Attachment

Select this option if you would like the files with the indicated extension to also be added as case attachments in addition to adding them as text entries.

Import as Case Text

Select this option to activate the case text handling.

Case Text Type

Select the Text Type Code that you want to have assigned to each text entry created on the case.

Case Text Description

Enter a value to enter into the Description field for the case text entry.

Max Lines Count

Enter the maximum number of lines to read from the file. It is a good idea to use this to ensure that you don't import too much data onto the case.

Stop Phrase

If each of the files being processed contains a specific phrase that indicates the end of where text should be processed, you can enter that phrase here.

Append Date Time

If this box is selected, the date and time of the import will be added to the case text description.

Results Language

Select the results language for the utility. For more information, see the Results Language section on page Utilities Overview.

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