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Adding a Social Media Handle to Phone Number

Social media handles can be added to the Phone fields on the case. For this to be implemented, an administrator needs to add new codes for each type of social media. This is done by adding new Phone Type codes to the Phone Type category (I01). You may add the following social media: Facebook™, Twitter™, YouTube™, LinkedIn™, and others.

The Phone Type category (For details, see Category Definition) must have the Type field set to "Special Code" for phone types.

To add social media to Phone Types:

  1. In Administration, select Company Setup > Case Categories > Address (A) Categories > Phone Type.

  2. Click the New Code button on the page banner.

  3. In the New Category Code window, enter the ID for the code. For example, Twitter.

  4. Enter the necessary field information. (For more information, see Code Definition)

  5. In the Phone Type field, be sure to select the type of social media from the list.

  6. Click Save

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