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Whitelist of File Types

For increased security against files types containing malware, only specific file types can be uploaded to the system or accepted in an email attachment. These file types are "whitelisted" meaning the system only allows these file types to be uploaded.

When attempting to load a file type outside of the whitelist, the following system message will display:

The default whitelist of files types includes:

File Extension





Extensible Markup Language


Portable Network Graphics


compressed file




Microsoft Word document


WordPerfect document


Portable Document Format (Adobe)


Rich Text Format


Microsoft Excel


Microsoft PowerPoint


Picture - Joint Photographic Expert Group


Picture - Joint Photographic Expert Group


Picture - Microsoft Bitmap format


Picture - Graphics Interchange Format


Picture - tagged image format


Picture - tagged image format


Audio - Windows Audio


Video and Audio - Motion Picture Experts Group


Video and Audio - Motion Picture Experts Group


Audio - Motion Picture Experts Group


Video and/or Audio - Motion Picture Experts Group (may be audio or audio and video)


Video and Audio - Microsoft Audio Video Interleave


Video and Audio - Apple Quick Time


Video and Audio - Microsoft Windows Media Video


Audio - Microsoft Windows Media Audio


Hypertext Markup Language file


Hypertext Markup Language file

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