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Threshold Update

This utility is used to update the values for a specific threshold rule. The threshold values can be set based on statistical analysis of historical data (Standard Deviation), or by a fixed value.

To access the Threshold Update Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Case Utilities > Threshold Update.

Utility Options

The following options are available for this utility.



Report Title

The results of the update are output to a report. Select a title for that report.

Date Range



Time Frame

Enter a time frame that will apply to the subsequent date selection.

From Date, Thru

Choose the date range of cases to be taken into account when updating the threshold definition. All cases with a Case Received Date within the given date range will be considered.





Choose one of the following modes of execution:

  • Diagnose: Shows the current threshold values and the changes that would be made if you were to run in Apply mode. No changes are made to the data.

  • Apply: Updates the threshold values.

  • View Current Codes: Creates a report that shows all thresholds values on existing codes. No changes are made.

Std Dev Multiplier

See the separate topic on Standard Deviation Threshold for more information.

Minimum Threshold

If the standard deviation result falls below the number that is in this field, the threshold value will be set to this number.

Suggestion ID

Select the threshold definition that you want to update. After selecting a definition, the Category 1 and 2 values will be filled in below this field.

Category 1 & 2



Category Name 1 & 2

This data is filled in automatically based on information defined by the threshold rule.

Results Language

Select the results language for the utility. For more information, see the Results Language section on page Utilities Overview.

Time Zone

Select the time zone to use when processing the utility. This indicates the time zone to use when using dates on filters and displaying dates.

If this field is blank, the dates will reflect the Time Zone of the User.

For Category Dates, only the System Date Time is updated for the time zone (Type J). All the other Dates are shown as stored in the database.

Utility Filters

For information, see Filters in Emplifi Agent.

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