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New/Update Case From Address

When a repeat caller contacts an agent, the agent can copy data from the caller's previous case. This is useful when a repeat caller is discussing the same store, product, order number, etc. For example, if a customer previously called and discussed a store issue with the agent, there's a good chance the customer is calling about the same store location. The agent has the option to copy previous field values into the current case.

There are two ways to copy data into the case:

  1. Create a new case from the address with the previous case data.

  2. Update the case with previous case data.

to Administrators: This feature must be enabled by the administrator. See Configuration: Address for more information.

New Case From Address

An agent can easily create a new case based on current case data. The data from a previous case is applied to the new case created for the address.

To add data to the new case:

  1. Once you have entered the caller address, select the Create Case for Address option on the Address Section Menu. For more information, see Addresses. The New Case From Address window will display a list of fields, the field values, and gives you the option to copy the information to the case.

  2. Depending on your configuration, you may clear any field checkboxes that you do not want copied to the new case. By default, all checkboxes are selected.

  3. Click the Create New Case button and the field values you selected are added to the new case.

Update Case with Previous Case Data

An agent can pull data from a previous case when an existing caller address is selected and add that data to the current case.

To do this:

  1. On the Case screen, enter the caller's name or address. ESP will display a list of suggested addresses.

  2. Click Accept on the caller's address from the suggested list in ESP. The Update Case with Previous Case Data window will display a list of fields, the field values, and gives you the option to copy the information to the case.

  3. Depending on your configuration, you may clear any field checkboxes that you do not want copied to the case. By default, all checkboxes are selected.

  4. Click the Update Current Case button and the field values you selected are copied to the current case.

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