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MessageCenter Groups

MessageCenter Groups are user collections used as message recipients. The MessageCenter Groups display member users along with their current status (active, inactive, or unknown).

To access the MessageCenter Groups screen:

  • In Administration, select User and Security Setup > MessageCenter Groups.

To add a user to the group:

  1. On the banner, click the New Code button. The New Category Code window will display.

  2. In the ID field, enter the new group ID. Then, click Ok.

  3. On the Message Groups tab, type a description for the group.

  4. On the banner, click the Add User button. The Select user to add to Message Center group dialog displays.

  5. Navigate to or search for the user you want to add.

  6. Select the check box for the user and click OK. The User Code, User Name, and Status appear on the Users tab.

To delete a user from the group: 

  1. On the Users tab. Select the check box next to the user that you want to delete.

  2. Click the Delete User button. A confirmation dialog displays.

  3. Click the Delete button. The user is removed from the group.

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