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Limit Code Refresh Utility

This utility is used to rebuild the list of Limit Code rules after codes have been added to one or more of your code hierarchies. For more information, see Limit and Dependent Codes Overview.

When you define Limit Code rules at the folder level, the system builds a complete list of all possible combinations of code values within those folders. This list is then used when processing Limit Code rules during data entry. However, if you add or remove codes from any of the folders after defining the Limit Code rule, the list that is used by the system is not immediately updated. You must use this utility to rebuild the list.

To access the Limit Code Refresh Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Configuration Utilities > Limit Code Refresh.

Utility Options



Limit Code Rules

Select the rule for which you want to rebuild the code values. If you want to rebuild all your rules, choose the "All Limit Codes" option at the top of the list.

Perform Full Rebuild

Completely rebuilds all limit codes. If this is left unchecked, missing folders and codes are included in the rebuild.

Fast Mode (performs bulk operations)

When running against a SQL Server database, this option enables bulk operations to be performed. In Fast Mode, the utility log only reports on changes. For example, if five limit codes were added, only those five limit codes are listed in the log. If errors occur while populating new limit codes, then no new limit codes are created.

Results Language

Select the language you want the results to display in. For more information, see the Results Language section on page Utilities Overview.

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