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Home Page Widgets Administration

The Emplifi Agent Home Page contains widgets that provide you with important information. Your system administrator will determine what widgets you can view on your Home Page by adding or removing widgets on the Home Page Editor.

Below is a description of each available widget. Your Home Page may not display all options.

Case Queues

Queues are storage areas for cases that need to be processed. Cases usually arrive in a queue through some sort of automated process. Agents then pick cases from queues, by default, in the order of the Action Creation Date. The default may be changed by your administrator.

Common uses of queues include:

  • When inbound emails are brought into the system, a case gets created and placed in a queue so that it can be handled by an agent.

  • After a case has been processed, an agent may transfer to a different queue so that it can receive special handling by another person or department.

To an agent performing a transfer, a queue looks just like any other user of the system. When you select the transfer recipient, instead of selecting the name of an agent, you select the name of the queue to which you want to transfer the case.

The statistics include cases in which an issue is assigned to a queue or an agent. If the queue has more than one case in it, the agent can click on a queue to pick a case from it.

The Case Queues widget statistics are updated and the OLDEST and AVG fields are recalculated for all queues after a case or issue is transferred to a queue or when a queue pick is done.

To pick a case out of any individual queue:

  1. Click the queue bar or the queue name. This places the case in the agent’s Cases menu and Open Cases screen. The case will display on the Function page.

  2. When a queue is clicked, a message posts to confirm that the agent wants to pick the case from the queue.

  3. Click OK and it immediately becomes the agent’s responsibility.

Queue pick works by using the value set on the queue, even if SLA is not defined. Therefore, when you select an item the system picks the oldest case in the queue based on the Action Creation Date. Keep in mind, the age of the queue is determined by the Queue Aging Criteria setting on the System User Code record for the queue. For more information about queue aging criteria, see System User Codes.

Case Queue Fields



Queue Name

The first queue list is always "ALL", which displays the total number of cases across all queues that are the agent's responsibility. If the agent selects this queue, they will pull the “highest-priority” case, based on the age of the case and the priority level of the queue it is in.


The number of cases in the queue. The Alert, Warning, and In Compliance counts will add up to this number.

Queue Idle Days

The number displays on the queue bar of how long cases have been sitting idly in the queue.


The age (in days) of the oldest case in the queue.


The average age (in days) of all cases in the queue.

Additionally, a queue will grow progressively darker in color as the oldest case within it reaches a pre-defined age threshold.

  • Alert: The number of cases that are outside the acceptable age. This field is shaded dark blue when a case is on alert.

  • Warning: The number of cases that are within a range defined as being the warning limit. This field is shaded gray when a case is within the warning age.

  • In Compliance: The number of cases that are following your company's SLA. If an SLA is not defined, the default is used. This field is shaded light gray.

The Reset Case Queues utility needs to be run often, or you can save it as a favorite and schedule it to run every hour, to keep the alert and warning statuses in synch.

The queues display with the highest number of cases at the highest priority. Emplifi Agent looks for the queue with the highest number of “Alert” items, if there are none it will look for “Warning”, and lastly it will look for “In Compliance”. If SLAs are not set for a queue, all items will be “In Compliance”.

These are only available if your company is using the SLA functionality.

Case Reason

Shows the most used reasons on recent issues in a color-coded pie chart. The time frame is configurable.

Case Contact Method

Shows how many cases are created through phone call/chat/letter/social medias/etc. in a chart based on the designated time frame.

Recent Pending Actions

Shows all actions on all cases that are currently due and waiting for you to complete them. This is a way for a user to quickly see and select any actions that are waiting on them. It shows the actions that are pending (require action) and the day they are due. Simply click an action to complete it. For the steps to complete the action, see the Pending Actions (Case) section on page Work Items.

User Posts

Displays the most recent posts from the News Feed page. The number of posts shown is configurable by setting the timePeriodHour field in the Properties panel. This widget is a way for agents to communicate with each other, as well as for supervisors to quickly send a message to all agents.

All News Feed posts older than three months are automatically removed from Emplifi Agent.

Additional Resources

Shows recent messages from the Resources page. This widget is similar to a bulletin board. It is a way for administrators to post announcements, tips, reminders, etc. so that everyone in the system will see it. Number of visible posts is configurable, and ability to post requires permission.

Agent Statistics

Displays the productivity of the responsible agent in the last 24 hours. There are two tabs on this widget: Performance Stats and Productivity Info.

  • Performance Stats displays a graph of all the cases created by agent by origin.

  • Productivity Info displays the number of cases created by the agent versus the average of number of cases created by all the agents. If there are no cases created, the values show as 0. The percentage in the center shows the rounded difference between the average of all cases and the cases created by the agent.

Emails may show the Service ID as the Responsible Rep instead of the agent's email, which may not reflect the agent's work.

CSAT Survey Results

Displays the customer satisfaction rankings for the agent who is signed in. The average score of all other agents who have results from the configured survey will also display on the widget. In a multi-company environment, the results are based on the company the agent currently has open. The widget will report on the agent's above average and below average rankings, as well as the overall weekly agent average.

To Administrators: You can choose a survey run ID and the number of weeks to display results on the widget. The widget uses the Start Day setting from the Calendar Week time frame to determine which day to start each week.

Yammer Feed

Shows the most recent Yammer posts. A Yammer app ID and company network is required for Emplifi Agent to access the Yammer feed of your company.

To get an app ID, go to and click on the Register new App button.

Until the Yammer widget is configured, users will see an "invalid client application" error message.

Case Listing Report

Lists cases according to a pre-defined case listing favorite. Favorite ID is required. You can have multiple report widgets on the Home Page.

Frequency Report

Displays the Frequency Report according to a pre-defined favorite. Favorite ID is required. You can have multiple report widgets on the Home Page.

Chart Report

Displays case data in a graphical format. This is based on a pre-defined Chart Report favorite. Favorite ID is required. You can have multiple report widgets on the Home Page.

Telephony Marquee

Displays several pieces of information regarding each Emplifi Agent Interaction queue to which you are assigned. For each queue, the following information will display:



Queue Name

This is the name of the queue.

Interactions Waiting

This is the number of interactions in the queue that are waiting to be delivered to an available agent.

Longest Wait

This is the length of time that the oldest interaction has been waiting in the queue.

Agents Logged In

This is the number of currently logged in agents that are assigned to this queue.

Agents Available

This is the number of agents that are available to handle interactions for this queue.

Telephony Workgroups

Displays information about all the agents in the workgroups of which an agent is a member. Within this view, there is a separate tab for each available workgroup. Each workgroup has the following information available:

  • User ID

  • Agent's first and last name.

  • Agent's phone number or extension.

  • Agent's current status.

  • Indicator of whether the agent is currently on a phone call.

  • Indicator of whether the agent is currently signed into the Emplifi Agent Interaction system.

The telephony features only work with a CIC configuration.

Message Center Inbox

Displays messages for any errors that occurred during Batch Processing. Each case number and letter that is displayed is a link that you can select to view the case or letter.

You can view the message in the widget by clicking on the subject field or by clicking the folder icon to open it in a new window.

Unread messages are displayed in bold font, while read messages appear in regular font.

You can mark messages as read in an open message window.

To delete a message, you can select it in the widget (multiple message selection is supported) or individually in an open message window.

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