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Fulfillment Import

This utility allows enclosures that have been fulfilled to have the case enclosure updated with the actual Ship Date or Shipping Code. Usually this information will be supplied by the department or company performing the actual shipping. This allows users to inform consumers of shipping information if they inquire about their shipments.

The data file must be in a specific format to be used by the import utility. See below for data format specifications.

To access the Fulfillment Import Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Fulfillment Utilities > Fulfillment Import.

Utility Options

The following options are available for this utility.



Data File

Enter the name of the data file to be imported.

(info) This must be a .TXT file.
Make sure that the selected path is available from the Emplifi Agent Server, preferably via a UNC path or a mapped drive. If a mapped drive is used, the drive mapping must exist for the user account under which the Emplifi Agent Server runs.

Start Row

Enter the row of the data file where the import should begin. Set the value to "2" to skip a header row.

Update Shipped Enclosure

If selected, all the enclosures defined in the import file are updated with “Date Shipped” and “Shipped Code” from the data file.

If deselected, only enclosures that do not have the "Date Shipped" and "Shipped Code" already defined are updated with the information in the data file. All the other enclosures are skipped.

Results Language

Select the results language for the utility. For more information, see the Results Language section on page Utilities Overview.

Data File Format

The data file must be a tab-separated file with one fulfilled enclosure per row. The information on each row must contain the following:

  • Company ID

  • Case ID

  • Enclosure Seq

  • Date Shipped

  • Shipment Code

Shipment Code is optional, all other columns required.

For example:

SYS <tab> 2045 <tab> 1 <tab> 01/31/2009 <tab> A-013109-123

Replace <tab> with an actual ASCII tab character.


Once you have entered your desired options and any filters, click the Run button on the toolbar.

The Results view is displayed automatically. The information in the Results view is saved in a log file containing information (success or failures) of the import.

There are two updated columns (Date Shipped [FFC] and Shipping Code [F05]) available in the Emplifi Agent/Emplifi Agent Server case listing report.

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