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Data Import Utility

The user must have w_import_data_utility permissions to run this utility.

The Data Import Utility allows you to import data into Emplifi Agent. You have the option to delete current data before importing a new file. When the utility is run, a log file is created. The log file lists the options selected and the number of rows read and processed.

The imported data may include:

  • Email Address List

  • Enclosures

  • Product Information for existing product codes

  • Country and State

  • Migrations

  • Suggestions

  • InfoCenter

  • Notifications

  • Standard Letters, Letter Paragraphs, and Paragraphs

  • Time Periods

Product updates have two parts: product codes and product attributes. The product codes are added to the category table using the Category Code Import Utility. For details, see Category Code Import/Export. The product attributes are added to the product table using the Data Import Utility.

For product codes that already exist in the system, you can import additional product information using this utility. However, if you need to update the existing product codes, first you will delete all the existing codes and then import all the codes with the updates.

To access the Data Import Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Configuration Utilities > Data Import Utility.

Utility Options

The following options are available for this utility:



Database Table to Update

Select the database table that you want to update with new data. Choose from:

  • Category Code Migration

  • Category Migration

  • Country

  • Email Address Book - allows you to upload a text file of email addresses.

  • Enclosure

  • InfoCenter

  • Notification

  • Product- allows you to upload product information for already imported product codes. For more information about importing codes, see Category Code Import/Export.

  • Standard Letter, Paragraph, and Letter Paragraph

  • State

  • Suggestion Code

  • Time Period

(info) The product codes you are importing must be an exact match to the product codes already in the system to join the imported data with the correct product code.

Import File

Select either a file name from the drop-down list or upload the file name.

To select a file name in Emplifi Agent server's Transfer folder:

  1. Click the text box. A drop-down list will display for you to select the file name. This list may contain folders.

  2. Click either + or - in front of the folder name to open or close the folder, respectively.

  3. Then, select the file name.

To upload a file from your computer:

  1. Select the Upload button. The Select File to Upload window will display.

  2. Click the Select File button to choose a file from your computer.

  3. In the Upload to Folder field, select the folder name. Transfer folder is the default.

  4. Click OK.

If the file does not exist, a warning message will display.

(info) Uploading HTML files that contain <script> tags is not permitted.

Input file contains header row

Select this option to include a header row with descriptions for each column.

Delete current data first

(warning) If you select this option, the current data in the table is deleted prior to importing.

Restrict delete to current company

Select this option to only delete existing data for the current Company ID prior to importing new data.

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