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Common METANg Filters

The commonly used MetaNg Filters are discussed in this topic. By default, the METANg Filter will always use the current field the filter is applied to as the first argument. Extra arguments can also be used in applying the filter. If extra arguments are required, they are noted in the table below.

METANg Filter






Takes the Action Status code and returns the value based on the input. This is translated based on the selected language.

0 = Complete

1 = Pending


METANgFilter = "| actionStatus"

address TitleLookup

Takes the Address ID and Case as input and finds the address on the case. Then, returns "APCWTitle" of the given Address field. If the property does not exist, then the Address ID is returned.



METANgFilter = "| addressTitleLookup: Case"


Takes the input and returns the value based on the input. This is translated based on the selected language.

0 = Print

1 = Reprint

2 = Void


METANgFilter = "| batchDocumentHistoryType"


Takes the input and returns the value based on the input. This is translated based on the selected language.

5 = Check

6 = Coupon


METANgFilter = "| batchDocumentType"


Takes the Address ID and finds the address from the AddressList. Then, returns the "APCWTitle" of the address. If the property is not found on the address, then "" is returned.



METANgFilter = "| caseAddressTitle:Case.AddressList.Address"


Takes the input and returns the value based on the input. This is translated based on the selected language.

O = Open

C = Closed


METANgFilter = "| caseStatus"


Takes the input and returns the value based on the input.

(input < 1) = "Index"

(input >= 1) = "Full"


METANgFilter = "| caseView"


Takes the category level as input and returns the appropriate code label. This is translated based on the selected language.

0 = 0-Code

1 = 1-Subcategory

2 = 2-Group

3 = 3-Subgroup

4 = 4-Section

5 = 5-Subsection


METANgFilter = "| categoryLevel"


Converts the given date format to a string format. For example, Tue Feb 26 2019 12:01:21 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time).



METANgFilter = "| emailReceivedDate"


Takes the input and returns the value based on the input. The value is translated based on the selected language.

0 = Not Ready

1 = Ready to Pick

2 = Rejected

3 = Picked

4 = Void


METANgFilter = "| enclosureStatus"


Takes the Input, ObjectArrayList, PropertyToShow, and Condition as input and loops through the ObjectArrayList. When Condition is met, the PropertyToShow value, is passed from the object.


ObjectArrayList: Array of objects (eg. row.entity.PhoneList.Phone)


PropertyToShow: Property to show in the layout.


Condition: Condition to apply when filtering the ObjectArrayList.

METANgFilter = "| entityDisplayFilter: row.entity.PhoneList.Phone : '_$phone_type_code' : '_$is_primary == &quot;Y&quot;'")

Searches through the PhoneList on the case, and checks for the condition(_$is_primary = 'Y') and returns the "_$phone_type_code" property value of the primary phone.


Takes the InfoCenter type code and returns the appropriate value. If the code is not present, then "" is returned. The value is translated based on the selected language.

0 = Other

1 = General Information

2 = Code Alert

3 = Code/Catalog Information

4 = Suggested Response

5 = Suggested Alert

6 = Suggested Information

S = Next Best Offer

8 = Startup Info

9 = Category Information

A = Any



METANgFilter = "| infoCenterType"


Takes the Issue Status field as input and returns the text value based on the code input.

O = Open

C = Closed


METANgFilter ="| issueStatus"


Takes the issueSeq and Case as input and returns the title of the issue. If "APCWTitle" is not found on the issue, then the IssueSeq is returned.



METANgFilter = "| issueTitleLookup: Case"


Takes the order type card code as input and returns the appropriate label. The label is translated based on the selected language.

001 = Visa

002 = Master Card

003 = AMEX


METANgFilter = "| orderCardType"


Takes the Order Payment Type Code as input and returns the appropriate label value. This value is translated based on the selected language.

0 = Credit Card

1 = Check

3 = Money Order

4 = Cash


METANgFilter = "| orderPaymentType"


Takes OrderStatus code as input and returns the appropriate label. The label is translated based on the selected language.

0 = Do Not Set

O = Open

S = Submitted

P = Shipped

C = Cancelled

B = Backordered


METANgFilter = "| orderStatus"


Takes the phoneType code as input and returns the URL for the given code.



METANgFilter = "| phoneTypeIcon"


Removes the beginning and ending semicolons.



METANgFilter = "| semiColonFilter"


Takes time as input and returns the difference from the current time, with "ago" string attached to the layout.

< 60 seconds = [value] seconds ago

< 60 minutes = [value] minutes ago

< 25 hours = [value] hours ago

< 8 days = [value] days ago

< 5 weeks = [value] weeks ago

< 12 months = [value] months ago

years = [value] years ago


METANgFilter = "| timeAgo"


Takes the Unix time stamp and converts it to a readable format (H:M:S)



METANgFilter = "| totalWorkTime"

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