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Advanced Threshold Utility

The Advanced Threshold utility searches Emplifi Agent cases and determines if a threshold count is reached for one or more criteria within a date range. If the threshold is reached, an action is posted on the last case, issue, or both in the date range. Notifications can be associated with this action. If the threshold is met, the system sends emails to a recipient list, and optionally to the action’s Responsible Rep.

The utility requires at least one Driving Category, a value for Threshold Quantity, and a Description. We recommend using a filter that determines the date range. The utility must run in the Update mode for the Action to post.

To access the Advanced Threshold Utility:

  • From the Application Function Bar, select Utilities > Case Utilities > Advanced Threshold Utility.

Utility Options

The following options are available for this utility.




Select Test to run in a test mode instead of actually posting the actions to the cases. The log file shows all cases that the actions would be applied to if you actually ran the utility in Update mode. This allows you to see the number of cases and which cases the utility will be updating, based on the criteria selected.

Select Update to apply the actions. If the field is left blank, then the utility is run in Update mode.


When the threshold is met, this is the text that becomes Action Text on the case.

Threshold Quantity

This is the count that is being queried.

Action Definition/Second Action Definition

Note that the Action Type Code and Refer to Rep fields repeat. This allows you to post up to two actions at a time.



Action Type Code

This is the action that will be posted if the threshold is met.

Refer to Rep

Enter the user code that will be recorded as the recipient of the action (only applicable to transfer action types).

Post Action / Post Second Action To

Determines if the action should be posted when the count is met or exceeded.




Recipient List

Email accounts that will receive notification when the threshold is met.

Default Subject

The subject line of the email sent when the utility threshold is met.

Attach Case Info File

When selected, a file of case information is added as an attachment to the utility's results.

Send Results to Responsible Rep

When selected, a message will be sent to the responsible representative.

Display Cases in Result as Table

When selected, the results of the utility display in a table on the Results tab.

Send Message as HTML

When selected, this checkbox determines the output of the utility message as HTML.

Results Language

Select the results language for the utility. This is optional. For more information, see the Results Language section on page Utilities Overview.

Driving Categories

The Driving Categories tab allows you to select categories that "drive" the threshold criteria. You are required to add one driving category. However, you can add multiple driving categories, if desired.

On categories panel, you may search for a specific category or scroll through the list. Once you locate the category, simply drag and drop it into the Driving Categories area.

Utility Filters

For information, see Filters in Emplifi Agent.

Selection Columns

The Selection Columns tab allows you to select which information displays in the results. You can add a column for every category that you want to include. Once you add a column, you can define the column, choose the display type, and add a label for the heading.

To add a new column, select a category from the pane on the right side of the screen to expand it. Then, use drag and drop to move your selection into the Columns pane.

To delete a column, use drag and drop to move it back into the pane on the right.

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