Widget Properties
When adding Home Page Widgets Administration, you may wish to customize them to fit your specific needs. The Properties tab allows you to change some settings for each widget. The following table describes these property options.
Some properties are not available for all widgets.
Property | Description |
Size | Determines the size of the widget on the Home Page. Options are Small, Medium, and Large. |
timeFrame | This option determines what time frame the widget pulls data from. The options are:
timeStart / timeEnd | Sets the range for the timeFrame. |
timePeriod | Sets the range for the timeFrame. |
topNum | Indicates how many of the top reasons display in the widget. |
timeIntervalFrame | Works the same as timeFrame, but is based on the intervals in the widget. |
timeIntervalPeriod | Works the same as timeStart / timeEnd, but is based on the intervals in the widget. |
tickInterval | Indicates how many timeIntervalPeriods to put between each tick mark on the X axis. |
numWeeks | Sets the number of weeks to display results.
belowRatingColor | For the CSAT Survey widget, this field determines the color of the below average rating column. This field uses a color picker or the RGB, HSL, or HEX color value. |
aboveRatingColor | For the CSAT Survey widget, this field determines the color for the above average rating column. This field uses a color picker or the RGB, HSL, or HEX color value. |
display | Determines how the title of the widget displays. The options are:
legend | Determines if the legend is shown or hidden in the widget. |
widgetTitle | Allows you to type a name for the widget. |
timePeriodHour | For the User Posts widget, this property controls the offset for the time that is displayed on user posts. |
timeoutSeconds | Database query timeout interval in seconds. Defaults to 1. |
autoRefresh | The widget refreshes every 60 seconds if this field is set to "true." If it is set to "false," the widget only refreshes when the Home Page is loaded. We recommend only using this feature if it is necessary.
cachedMinutes | The number of minutes that the widget's data should be cached, with 0 (zero) representing no caching. On the Case Listing Report widget, the default is 600. On the Case Queue and User Posts widgets, the default is 60. On the Agent Statistics widget, the default is 30.
sortByColumn | For the Case Queue widget, this field determines the column used for sorting queues. Available options are "Label", "Total", "Age", and "Average". When "Label" is selected and a description is not available, the code will display on the widget. If a different language is used, the description1 for that language translation will display. |
sortOrder | For the Case Queue widget, this field determines if the column is sorted in ascending or descending order. |
favoriteId | This favorite must be distributed to each agent for them to see this report on their Home Page. If not, it displays a blank screen that states the report could not be found. |
surveyRunId | For the CSAT Survey Results widget, this field determines the survey results shown to the agent on their Home Page. |
The following table outlines which properties are available for each widget, as well as the default property setting for that widget:
Widget | Properties / Default Settings |
Case Queue |
Case Reason |
Case Contact Method |
Order Queue |
Recent Pending Actions |
User Posts |
Additional Resources |
Agents Stats |
CSAT Survey Results |
Yammer Feed |
Case Listing Report |
Chart Report |
Telephony Marquee |
Telephony Workgroups |
Message Center Inbox |
Examples settings for autoRefresh and cachedMinutes
The setting entered in cachedMinutes can impact the autoRefresh. If the cached data has not expired, autorefresh will not update the data on widgets.
The following examples show some autoRefresh and cachedMinutes combinations:
Example 1
autoRefresh = TRUE
cachedMinutes = 10
With these settings, the widget data is set to "expired" after 10 seconds. The autoRefresh will run every minute to check if cached data exists. If so, it is expired. Only when it finds that data is expired will it update the widgets. If the data is not expired, it will not update.
Example 2
autoRefresh = FALSE
cachedMinutes = 10
With these settings, even though data is "expired" after 10 seconds, user intervention is required to update the widgets. Loading the Home Page will trigger an update when:
Opening and dismissing a case. Then, returning to the Home Page.
Manually reloading the Home Page using [Ctrl + F5].
Only when the Home Page is reloaded will Emplifi Agent query the database and update the widget. Data freshness is not a factor.
Example 3
autoRefresh = TRUE
cachedMinutes = 0
Every 60 seconds Emplifi Agent checks for cached data and the status of data. In this case it finds no cached data. Next, it queries the database for the widget and loads data for the last timePeriodHour. Every 60 seconds users will see updated data whether they stay on the Home Page or they are opening and dismissing cases.