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Customizing the Report Values Drop-Down

The Chart and Frequency reports have an option labeled "Value" which allows you to select the item that you want to count on the report. This field comes pre-configured with some of the commonly used items that you might want to count. However, it is possible to customize your system to include sum and averages for any Case (B-codes), Issue (C-codes), and Enclosure (F-codes) categories in the Values list.

The categories on which you want to report must be defined as either Numeric or Integer types. For more information, see Category Types.

In order to get additional categories to show up on the options screen for these reports, you must add the additional items to the file "TranslateListLen.xml," which is in the XML folder of the website. Do not modify this file! Instead, you should create a new "TranslateListLen.xml" file and place it in the Custom folder of the website.

If you modify the primary file, your changes will be lost the next time you upgrade.

When creating a Custom/TranslateListLen.xml file, you put only those items in the file that you want to modify or override. The modifications will then be picked up the next time you regenerate window layouts. If there is nothing else in your Custom/TranslateListLen.xml file, the file would look something like this when completed:

You are adding (or modifying) an <Element> named "ReportOptions," with an <Attribute> of "report_count." These lines should be the same as above regardless of the other changes you make.

Next you need to add an <Enumeration> line for each additional value on which you want to be able to report. The <Enumeration> line has two XML attributes:

  • The Value attribute is made up of two pieces of information:

    • The category on which you want to report (for example, "C32," "B17," or "F08").

    • Either a capital letter "S" for sum or a capital letter "A" for average.

  • The Text attribute contains a short description that will appear in the Value drop-down field on the report options screen. The description is completely up to you; it does not affect processing in any way.

In the above example, two options have been added, both for the C32-code. When selected on a report, one entry will sum the values in the C32-code, and the other will average the values.

Once you save your changes, you can regenerate your screen layouts. Now when you bring up the Chart or Frequency report, you should see your new entries in the Values field. For more information, see the Generating Layouts section on page Working With Layouts.

Multi-Language Environments

The "TranslateListLen.xml" file is language specific. The two characters at the end of the file name (in this case, "en" for English) denote the particular language of that file. You need to create an additional file for each language that you use in your environment, replacing the "en" with the appropriate language code for each language.

These files should also be placed in the Custom folder of the website and should have the same exact format as the file shown above. You should only change the values of the Text attributes on each of the <Enumeration> lines and leave everything else the same.

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