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Case Side Bar

The Case Side Bar lists all the elements associated with the current case. Clicking the name of the element automatically navigates you to that section of the case.

Navigating with the Side Bar

The case Texts, Issues, Enclosures, Actions, or Letters will display the number of items and an arrow button, as shown below.

Click the arrow to open a drop-down list of the items. When you select an item from the list, you automatically navigate to that item on the case.

When you open the drop-down list, the arrow will change to a down arrow. Click the down arrow to close the list.

Additionally, you can expand or collapse some element sections on the case. For Texts, Issues, Enclosures, or Letters, you can view all the items in that section by clicking the Expand button. To minimize them, click the Collapse button.

Previewing Case Texts

The Preview Case Text button allows you to view all case text in one window. The Text window will display a summary of each text on the case. When you select a text from the list, the Text section on the Case window will open to the text you selected.

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